2014年6月16日 星期一

英语就是这样(15) 动名词( Gerund)

倘你要对方配合你或同意某一件事,你会说:“你不介意明天早点到!” ,“你该不介意帮帮忙吧!”

英语就用上了 “ Don’t you mind coming earlier tomorrow.”,或“Won’t you mind coming earlier tomorrow?”“Don’t you mind helping me?”或“Won’t you mind helping me?”。

注意:在用 mind的时候,其接尾的是动名词( Gerund), 如 I don’t mind coming here again. 我不介意再次到这里来。 I think He doesn’t mind trying it again. 我想他不会介意再次尝试。

动名词( Gerund)也可引用为形容词 (verb)

如:下雨天 raining day 洗衣机 washing machine 笑脸 smiling face 拐杖 walking stick 等等。

还有,它还可当作名词 (Noun)

工作Working, 睡觉 sleeping, 玩耍 playing, 抽烟 smoking 。它可成为主题(SUBJECT)也可成为目标(OBJECT)。

例子: (1) Working is enjoyable.

I enjoy working.

(2) Sleeping too long is no good.

Do you like sleeping ?

(3) Playing is a waste of time

I love playing.

(4) Smoking effects your health.

Please quit smoking.

动名词( Gerund) 也有它的局限。它不可用于下例的句子:

I am liking oranges. 这句子是错应改为 I like oranges.

I was hearing the news. 这句子是错应改为 I heard the news

He was hating me. 这句子是错应改为 He hated me.

She is knowing me 这句子是错应改为 She knows me

We are loving together. 这句子是错应改为 We are in love.

上面的句子中的动名词(Gerund)都来自所谓的感觉 ( FEELING),不可用上动名词(Gerund)吧!

