2014年8月24日 星期日

英语就是这样(44)………one fish, two fish? Three fish?

很多英文的名词,不论数量词是一,还是超过一,它还是以单数来引用的。这些名词好像fish, sheep, deer, hundred, thousand 等等。

一尾鱼是 one fish两尾鱼 two fish是三尾鱼 three fish 不是 two fishes, three fishes.

一只羊 是 one sheep,两只羊是 two sheep 三只羊是 three sheep 而不是两只羊 two sheeps 三只羊 three sheeps.

一只鹿 是one deer,两只鹿 是two deer三只鹿是 three deer. 而不是两只鹿 two deers 三只鹿 three deers.

各位须注意:同样的 一百是 one hundred,两百是two hundred,三百 是 three hundred

一千是one thousand,两千是 two thousand三千是 three thousand.


如:Hundreds of people were waiting at the airport.

Hundreds of visitors arrive here every day.

Thousands of students attended the seminar.

Thousands of books were sold out this morning.

以上的例子,没用到数字时,就可用复数hundreds , thousands。

