2014年8月10日 星期日

英语就是这样(37)……….low price ,high price paid in cash

最近许多的货物的价格都在提高,东西变贵了。用英语来表达说:“The price is high, the goods is expensive.” 注意,我们不说:“The price is expensive.”

在英语价格(price)只能用高(high)或低(low)来表达,不能用贵(expensive)或便宜(cheap)来形容。Expensive 是价格高,而cheap 是价格低的意思,

如用了expensive 或cheap 来配价格(Price) 就有重复了。

看看这例子:The price is expensive. 是不是译为:这价格是高的价钱。

所以要描述东西贵或便宜,我们说:“The price is high.”或“The price is low.”或者“It is expensive.”或“It is cheap.”


1.“Do you want to pay by card ?”

2. “Do you want to pay by cash?”

其实,如果你用现金,用“by”是多余的,但在现今形势,大半的人都在说:“I will pay by cash.”

在英语,如您不是用现金而用信用卡,你就可说:“I will pay by card.”用现金付款,“I will pay cash.”才是正确。

