2014年8月7日 星期四

英语就是这样(35)……….go there…come here …. Bring and come…take and go


如去(go)就必须与那边(there)相配,来(come)须与这边(here)配对 。

这也和华语一样。Go there (去那边),come here (来这边)。

还有在英语 bring 也须与 come 相配, take 须与 go 对配,不能互换对掉。看看下列的句子。

1. He brought some souvenirs and went to Singapore.

2. Lily will come home and take along with her some presents.

3. Please go and see me.


1. He took some souvenirs and went to Singapore.

2. Lily will come home and bring along with her some presents.

3. Please come and see me.

想一想,这些配对有么有错? His husband , her wife………

是不是应改为: Her husband , his wife. 除非他们是同性恋,不很在乎男与女的性别

