2014年10月22日 星期三

英语就是这样( 70 ) PROVERBS & IDIOMS 谚语和成语


PROVERBS( 谚语)& IDIOMS( 成语) 有什么不同呢?

IDIOMS( 成语)是具有其本身的含义,不能从它的各别单词的来了解它的含义。


1. Under the weather ( 在天气下 ---- 含义是指不舒服,要生病了!)

I am really tired after helping them carry these heavy things. I am under the weather.

2. A piece of cake (一块蛋糕 ----含义 是指很容易,不费力)

To solve this problem is just like a piece of cake.

3. Bite the bullet ( 咬子弹 ------含义 是指面对艰难的工作或环境 )

I am just fired and going to bite the bullet until I find a job.

4. Not my cup of tea ( 不是我的一杯茶 ------- 含义 是指不是我喜爱的或我没兴趣)

Please don’t invite him for this horror film, this film is not his cup of tea.

5. Between a rock and a hard place (岩石和险境之间 -----含义 是在两个逆境,做出选择)

The rain is heavy but if I don’t go to see him off, he will have a bad impression on me again as we had a quarrel yesterday.

PROVERBS( 谚语)是短的流行说法。从有关人员的行为来表达一种信念;通常被认为有劝说的功能。


1. Where there is a will there is a way (有志竟成)

2. The best advice is found on the pillow. (冷静会带来解决方案)

3. A stitch in time saves nine. (亡羊补牢,未为晚也)

4. Still waters run deep. (有才有实的人是寂静的)

5. Even a worm will turn. (物极必反)

