2014年10月1日 星期三

英语就是这样( 62 ) Future continuous tense 未来进行式

Future continuous tense 也叫著 Future progressive tense 有三个功能:

1. 描述某将要进行的工作或事情,也可用来强调将要进行的事。 如

By this time next Sunday, I will be relaxing in Hawaii.

不是 By this time next Sunday, I will relax in Hawaii.

2. 在某种情况,假若用(Future continuous tense )未来进行式来代替 未来式(Future Tense) ,语气似乎会显得客气。

When will you be helping me to finish this job?

( 如你讲: When will you help me to finish this work? 这句子似乎带有命令性。)

3. 与现在进行式一样(Present Progressive Tense),未来进行式(Future Progressive Tense) 是用于讲述未来的计划中的行动。

We will be having vacations in Japan.

其实,以上的句子如换了 are/is/am going 也是可接受的。

1. By this time next Sunday, I am going to relax in Hawaii

2. When are you going to help me to finish this job?

3. We are going to have vacations in Japan.

WILL 换上SHALL 可以吗?一般上,美式英语(AMERICAN ENGLISH )多用 WILL少用SHALL。在英式英语 (BBC ENGLISH) ,shall 是用于第一者(FIRST PERSON)如I 和we, 其他人士则用 WILL。

1. I shall go there tomorrow.

2. When shall we meet again?

3. They will meet us later.

4. She will find out the fault for us.

