2014年10月12日 星期日

英语就是这样( 67 ) Per 的意思和用法

I will do and act as per your instruction.

As per your request, our company will send your order on Wednesday.

上面的句子有没有问题? 如果以目前的惯用法,应是可接受的句子。若以英语的规范来看,局子中的 “PER”是“根据”according 的意思。

I will do and act in accordance with your instruction.

In according to your request, our company will send your order on Wednesday.

Per 还 有“ 每”的意思如每位,每个单。

The Admission is RM10 per person.

The fuel consumption is 200 liters per 500 Kilometers.

Take one pill per day.

The chance of survival based on historical data is 30 per 1000.

Per 是来自 拉丁文Latin,在英语,一般上都惯用于标准表达式的单词短语如

1. per annum

2. per cent

3. per capita

4. per se

5. per mensem

6. per contra

