2014年10月19日 星期日

英语就是这样( 69 ) PERFECT TENSE 完成式

不管是现在完成式(Present perfect tense), 过去完成式(past perfect tense) 还是未来( future perfect tense),很多人没有注意完成式的用意。

在英语的文法,所谓的完成式(PERFECT TENSE)是指某个动作或某个工作或某件事完成。有鉴于此,所有的现在完成式(Present perfect tense), 过去完成式(past perfect tense) 和未来( future perfect tense)都必须 配上has, have 和过去分词 ( Past Participle) 在现在完成式中。如

She has visited England several times.

They have written five books since 2010.

When we reached the station, the train had left.

He had finished eating before you came.

I will have finished writing by tomorrow.

The Manager will have reached his destination by this evening.

PERFECT 就是圆满,把工作,事情完成了。

以上的例子,如现在完成式(Present perfect tense), She has visited United Kingdom several times 是意味着她已完成了好几次拜访英国;They have written five books since 2010 是意味他们已写完了五本书。

在过去完成式(past perfect tense)中的When we reached the station, the train had left是意味火车已完全离开,He had finished eating before you came是意味他已经把食物吃完。

在未来( future perfect tense)中的I will have finished writing by tomorrow是指我在明天会完成写作,The Manager will have reached his destination by this evening是意味那经理会在傍晚完成任务抵达目的地。

