2014年12月12日 星期五

Error Correction……………..错误更正(3)


1. Did you sent the parcel yesterday?

2. My teacher adviced me not to be lazy.

3. One of the customers are very unhappy on the service given by this restaurant.

4. I am a singular word.

5. Where he went yesterday?

6. He was absent due to heavy rain.

7. Judy drinks a glass of fresh milk everyday.

8. It costed me three hundred dollars.

9. I will pay by cash for this article.

10. The price is very expensive.



1. Did you send (sent)the parcel yesterday?

2. My teacher advised (advised) me not to be lazy.

3. One of the customers is (are) very unhappy on the service given by this restaurant.

4. I is (am) a singular word.

5. Where did he go (went) yesterday?

6. He was absent because of heavy rain OR his absence was due to heavy rain.

7. Judy drinks a glass of fresh milk every day( everyday).

8. It cost ( costed ) me three hundred dollars.

9. Oh! There is so many useful information (informations) in this book.

10. I will pay cash (by) for this article.

11. The price is very high (expensive).

