2014年12月22日 星期一

英语就是这样( 87 ) Polite expression.... 客套语


1. What is going on?

2. What is time now?

3. When is the train coming?

4. Where is the nearest post office?

如何把你想要问的事以比较客气的语调表达出来呢?其实不很难,只要在句子的前端加上名词性从句(NOUN CLAUSE)就可。

1. Could you tell me what is going on?

2. Do you know what time is now?

3. Could you tell me when the train is coming?

4. Do you know where the nearest post office is?

“Could you tell me”和“ Do you know”是客套的开端语。有人问会什么用“Could”不用“Can”, “Could” 不是“can”的过去式吗?用“Could”不是文法不对吗?


