2014年12月25日 星期四

criterion of criticism must be fair

It is great to note that despite retirement and resignation from the premiership of UMNO as well as Government , our beloved former Prime Minister, Tun Dr Mahatir Mohamad continued to show cares and concerns on the administration of the nation building. Nation building is on-going progress , it is undeniable that any decision and plan approved and implemented previously by the former administrator or forerunner might have repercussion on the successors.

Today, while you are driving on the Malaysia highway and queuing up in front of the toll gate to pay toll, you may recall a different scenario when only few and countable number of vehicles on the high way about 25 years ago. I think every Malaysian would like to know the criterion of the need to have a periodical revision of toll charge without taking the increase in volume of vehicles into consideration while signing agreement with the Highway companies. When our beloved Tun Dr Mahatir still in the office , he had repeated pointing out on the unfair and tilted elements in the Water Agreement signed between the Federation of Malaya and Singapore. By quoting this water agreement to substantiate the unsatisfactory cause for the period revision of toll, it may sound non-contemporary, but the basis is the so-called element of fairness.

Salute to our beloved Tun Dr Mahatir for his victory winning five consecutive general elections before he retired in 2003. However, one must note that these five general elections which BN won comfortably were conducted at the time when cyber campaign was not heard of or at the initial stage of launching. The cyber warfare has been at its peak during the last two general election and the result was BN performed poorly. One may wonder if our beloved Tun Dr Mahatir were still in the office today, what would be the results of General Election for BN ?

The rakyat know clearly because of the love of UMNO and BN, our former Prime Minister Tun Dr Mahatir has repeatedly lambasted his successors but whatever it is the criterion of criticism must be fair and consistent.

