2014年9月29日 星期一

英语就是这样( 61 ) being , have been and was

有视句子的情况 being, have been 有时是可以与 was 相互交替而其原本的意思却保持不变。

1. I was tired, so I had to take a rest.

Being tired, I had to take a rest.

2. He was unemployed so he would accept any offer of job.

Being unemployed, he would accept any offer of job.

3. I have been away, so I did not get any chance to meet him.

Having been away, I did not get any chance to meet him.

4. Judy is a teacher, so she always goes home late.

Being a teacher, Judy always goes home late.

上面的句子,不管是用了being, have been 还是 was 意思没变;句子格局只是不会单调吧!

有是 It was 与 there was 出现在句子的开端,我们也可以 being 来代替。


1. It was Saturday, so I would go dating with my girl.

It being Saturday, so I would go dating with girl.

2. There was a lot of trouble here, so I had better leave earlier.

There being a lot of trouble here, so I had better leave earlier.

3. There was no one in the office, so I had to lock all the doors.

There being no one in the office, so I had to lock all the doors.

