2014年9月7日 星期日

英语就是这样(50) chair, table, book, arm etc.

有没有想过一些英语的名词如椅子(chair) ,桌子( table), 书本 (book) 甚至 头(head),手臂 (arm), 眼睛 (eye), 肩膀(shoulder),鼻 (nose), 肘( elbow),foot (脚),hand (手) 等等都可以当动词来用! 看看以下的例子:

1. Mr Tan will chair the meeting tomorrow.

陈先生将主持明天的会议。 (chair =主持)

2. Mr Tan is going to table the resolution in the meeting.

陈先生将在会议提呈决议案。 ( table = 提呈)

3. He was booked by the police for illegal parking.

他因违例泊车被警察开了罚单。(book = 处罚)

4. After the meeting, all committee members will be heading to a restaurant for dinner.

会议结束后,所有委员会成员将前往一间餐厅吃晚饭 。( head = 前往)

5. The thief was armed with a pistol.

小偷持着一把手枪。 (arm = 持着)

6. All competitors are eyeing for the champion.

所有参赛者都瞄准了冠军。(eye = 瞄准)

7. Who is going to shoulder this responsibility?

谁去承担这个责任? (shoulder = 承担)

8. He nosed his car out quietly from his house.

他悄然地小心的从他的家把车驾了出来.。 (nose =悄然,小心地)

9. Someone had elbowed him in that football match.

在那场足球比赛,有人肘击了他。(elbow = 肘击)

10. Who is going to foot the bill?

谁去付清帐单? (foot =付清)

11. He handed us a cup of coffee.

他递给我们一杯咖啡。(hand = 递给)

12. He headed in a goal.

他用头顶进了一粒球。 (head =用头顶进)

13. He headed the team。


