2014年9月24日 星期三

英语就是这样( 59 ) 如何强调?


I came yesterday. 我昨天有来。 如他人不信,你可强调地说:“I did come yesterday。”

如果句子是过去式,你只要加 did 接续着用上动词不定式(Infinitive verb)就可。如下:

She gave you the book . 强调式是 She did give you the book.

I saw you this morning. 强调式是 I did see you this morning.

He wrote it on the wall. 强调式是 He did write it on the wall. ,/p>

但如果句子中出现了下例的字,你要强调时,你就必须用反转式的法子了,这就是英语的所谓的“INVERSION”。这些字是NEVER, SELDOM, HARDLY, SCARCELY 等等。如你要强调时,你要把副词(ADVERB)转移至句子的开端就可:

I have never seen him. 强调式是 Never have I seen him

The captain has never been rude to us. 强调式是 Never has the captain rude to us.

She has seldom made mistakes. 强调式是 Seldom has she made mistakes.

I had hardly reached the office when the fire broke out. 强调式是 Hardly had I reached the office when the fire broke out.

I had scarcely closed my eyes when the telephone rang. 强调式是 Scarcely had I closed my eyes when the telephone rang.

