2014年7月4日 星期五

New Gurney Drive traffic system a disaster?

HARDLY three months after the general election, the Penang Island Municipal Council has turned about 19 roads into one-way streets to ease traffic congestion, especially near Gurney Drive.

The rerouting has not been a success as there is now an increased volume of traffic in the narrower Mount Erskine area. When we recall Pakatan's election manifesto and try to visualise the traffic situation in cities like George Town and Kuala Lumpur, if Pakatan had won and formed the Federal Government, the traffic congestion would surely be more serious.

There were three pledges related to traffic and transportation in Pakatan's election manifesto -- abolition of tolls, and the lowering of car and fuel prices.

If these promises had been fulfilled if Pakatan formed the Federal Government, the volume of vehicles on the road would surely have increased.

Increase in the volume of new vehicles and motorists would aggravate an already serious traffic congestion in towns where there is an acute shortage of parking lots.

Politicians should be serious and have a thorough study on their pledges in the election manifesto.

From the actions taken by the Penang Island Municipal Council to alleviate the traffic congestion less than three months after the general election, we can see the irresponsible act in its so-called manifesto.

Traffic congestion encourages snatch thefts by motorcyclists, which have become rampant.

To ease traffic congestion in towns, our municipal council normally widens the roads by narrowing the pavement or pedestrian walks which makes it easy for motorcyclists to reach for pedestrians.

Therefore, it is not surprising to note there has been an increase in snatch thefts by motorcyclists as the road-widening projects have made the belongings of pedestrians more exposed to the risk and danger of being snatched.

published in NST 13th August 2013

