2015年5月6日 星期三


读一读以下的华式英语, 再对证标准英语。


1.       You want to eat or not?

2.       You are free or not?

3.       He wants to come or not?

4.       I come from China

5.       My hobby is reading books.

6.       He likes listening to music.

7.       My car is red  color.

8.       I was born in the month of September.

9.       You can get a free gift if you register yourself earlier.

10.   Please give me one cup of coffee.




1.       Do you want to eat?

2.       Are you free?

3.       Does he want to come?

4.       I am from China

5.       My hobby is reading

6.       He likes music.

7.       My car is red.

8.       I was born in September.

9.       You can get a gift if you register yourself earlier.

10.   Please give me a cup of coffee

