2015年1月22日 星期四

英语就是这样( 97 ) will have completed or will complete


I will complete the job tomorrow.

I will have completed the job by tomorrow.

“ tomorrow ” 是明天的意思,是未来。如一些工作,事务将在未来的时候进行或发生的,我们运用( future tense) 未来式。如

I will visit you tomorrow.

He will start working next month.

They will study at this university next year.

在英式英语(BBC),shall 是与 I 和 we 配上了。I shall visit you tomorrow., we shall come here later. 但在在美式英语(BBC)和现代英语( Modern English),shall 很少用了。

“by tomorrow”中的“by”是期限,是时间或日期的顶点;不能超越的。I will have completed the job by tomorrow 是以未来完成式( future present tense) 来表达。未来完成式中的“完成”很明确的告诉我们这个文法是用来描述未来将完成的事务或计划。

你现在在香港,在明天的期限,你将抵达日本。(完成旅程)。你说:“I will have reached Japan by tomorrow.”当然,你也可以以未来式说:“I will reach Japan tomorrow.”. 以这种说法,很明显的未来完成式( future present tense)是比较有肯定性!你会在期限内抵达日本。 简短来说,如果某事务能在未来的预测中的日期完成,以未来完成式( future present tense) 来表达是比较适当。

I will have finished my study next year.


He will have done it before you come.


The workers will have painted the house by this evening.


记得未来完成式( future present tense)需 用 have + past participle

如 (1) will + have + gone (2) will + have + seen (3) will + have + drunk 等。

