2015年1月18日 星期日

英语就是这样( 94 ) The defeated man….a stolen car

Don’t discourage the defeated man again.

A stolen car is here.

The damaged television set will be sent to repair tomorrow.

上面句子中的 the defeated man, a stolen car, the damaged television set 是英语中被动词( passive voice) 其意思是被打败的人,被偷的车,损坏的电视机,defeated, stolen 和 damaged 是英语中的过去分词(Past Participle)不是过去式( Past tense)。许多人看到动词出现了ed 就下了定论认者是过去式( Past tense),其实不然!看看下面的例子,你就会明白!

Verb Past Tense Past Participle

Play played played

Shout shouted shouted

Kick kicked kicked

Wash washed washed

Love loved loved

Cry cried cried

Decorate decorated decorated

Repair repaired repaired

在上面,过去式( Past tense)的动词和过去分词(Past Participle) 的动词是一样的但许多学习者把注意力放在第二行的过去式( Past tense)而忽视了过去分词(Past Participle)。有者解释过去分词(Past Participle)是影响后的处境或情况,不能当着过去式( Past tense)。

有鉴以此,(1) Don’t discourage the defeated man again (2) A stolen car is here (3) The damaged television set will be set to repair tomorrow. 出现了 don’t, is, will 这些非过去式( Past tense)的字是符合英语文法的。

