2015年1月20日 星期二

英语就是这样( 95 ) When ? while…..

When 和 while 是“那时”,“当时”的意思。

1. When I came to the party, they were having dinner.


2. When the teacher came into the class, the boys were playing.


3. While I was reading, he came to see me.


4. He often listened to music while he was working.


看看以上的句子,也许你会发现,when 是不与动名词gerund 配对的,反而while 是与gerund 配对的。(动名词gerund是动词 + ing 如 work 的 working, wait 的 waiting, eat 的eating, wash的 washing等等 )。一般上,如果把when 和 while调对来配是很不妥。

如:I came to the party, when they were having dinner. 是错的,但把when 换了while 就可 I came to the party while they were having dinner。

有时,你会看到when 与动名词gerund 配上了,这是否对呢?那你就要看句子的另一段是描述什么,大多也是用上了gerund吧!当两种或两个短暂性的动作在同时期进行时,when 与动名词gerund 是配上的。

When I was doing my homework, my mother was cleaning the kitchen.

When they were swimming, the girls were singing on the beach.

也许,以下的要点可让你更加明白when do用法。

She was sleeping. (时间比较长)

The phone rang. (时间比较短)

把时间比较短的动作配上when 成了When the phone rang, she was sleeping.

I was walking. . (时间比较长)

Someone called me. (时间比较短)

把时间比较短的动作配上when 成了When someone called me, I was walking 就成了正确的英语句子了。

