2014年11月20日 星期四

英语就是这样( 80 ) Past continuous Tense 过去进行式

过去进行式(Past continuous Tense)怎样用? 看看以下的例子,你是否会理解或看出它的用法?

I was sleeping when some knocked the door.

We were enjoying the TV show when someone shouted from outside.

He was driving when the accident happened.

I was walking when I met him.

以上的每个句子,是不是有两个动作?但两个动作的时间持久性是不同,一个动作的时间比较长,另一个动作的时间是比较短或突兀性的。 这就是过去进行式(Past continuous Tense)用法的关键之一。

在上面句子的过去进行式(Past continuous Tense)的文法,动作时间比较长的,我们用上了 was sleeping, were enjoying, was driving 和was walking;在动作时间比较短,我们用过去式(PAST TENSE)

I was sleeping ( 动作时间比较长) when some knocked the door.( 突兀性)

We were enjoying the TV show (动作时间比较长)when someone shouted from outside.( 突兀性)

He was driving( 动作时间比较长)when the accident happened.(突兀性)

I was walking (动作时间比较长)when I met him.(突兀性)

上面的句子,每局都拥有(1)verb to be 的 was , were 加 gerund 动名词 如 sleeping, enjoying, driving 和walking (2)过去式(PAST TENSE)的动词 如 knocked, shouted ,happened 和 met.

在过去进行式(Past continuous Tense)中,重点是某一事情在进行中(动作时间比较长),突然另一事情(突兀性)发生了,出现了!

