2014年11月7日 星期五

英语就是这样( 77 ) 当两个被动词(PASSIVE VOICE)同在一起

1. The man beaten last week was alive.

2. The car repaired only yesterday is not functioning again.

3. The tickets bought for the musical concert were given to Mr Tan

4. A car painted red is to be painted again.

5. The apples kept in the cooler were eaten by him.


1. The man who was beaten last week was alive.

2. The car which was repaired only yesterday is not functioning again.

3. The tickets which were bought for the musical concert were given to Mr Tan

4. A car which was painted red is to be painted again.

5. The apples which were kept in the cooler were eaten by him.

改写后的句子会不会让你更容易明白呢? 有些拥有被动词(PASSIVE VOICE)的英文句子,是可以删除关系从句(RELATIVE CLAUSE)中的 who, which 等等。 为什么呢? 原因其中之一是因为那段句子有了两个被动词(PASSIVE VOICE) 如 句子 3,4 和5。句子1 和2 是紧随的形容词,who was, which was可有可无都会让人明白。

1. The man (who was) beaten last week was alive.

2. The car (which was) repaired only yesterday is not functioning again.

3. The tickets (which were) bought for the musical concert were given to Mr Tan

4. A car (which was )painted red is to be painted again.

5. The apples (which were )kept in the cooler were eaten by him.


