2015年7月22日 星期三


Preposition 介词 是 pre 和 position 的联合字。 Pre 是 前或先的意思,position是位置,方位。

那么,Preposition也可说是“在位置,方位前或先”应用的配字!在华语,at, in, on 都是“在”的意思!我们可用上它在时间,日期,地方等。如“在”星期天,“在”三月, “在”家里,“在”我工作时,“在”他生病时……..等等。但Preposition 介词在英语中就不能像华语的语法可以通用;它是依据时间,日期,地方而有不同的配字!


1. Accuse of

He is accused of stealing

2. Afraid of

He is afraid of sleeping alone.

3. Longing for

They are longing for the return of their son who has been away for study in oversea.

4. Abide by the rules / decisions

You must abide by the decisions made by the committee.

5. Loyal to

One should always be loyal to one’s own country.

6. Good for

Peter talks a lot but actually he is good for nothing.

7. Angry at ( something )

He was angry at the injustice shown by his manager.

8. Angry with (somebody )

Mary is angry with her boy friend.

9. Proficient in

Our manager is proficient in Japanese language.

10. Prohibit from

All students are prohibited from bringing text books into the examination hall.

