2015年7月7日 星期二


When 和while 的意思是不是一样? 可不可以把着“当“来用?

如 When I was repairing my car, someone called me.

When he was watching TV drama, a stranger broke into his house.

When the workers were busily cleaning the hall, a policeman came.

以上是很通用的 when 的句子,但通用并不等于对!

一般上,when是用在时间较短的动作上,(1) someone called me (2) a stranger broke into his house(3) a policeman came into the hall 的时间较短,反而 (1) I was repairing my car (2) he was watching TV(3) the workers were busily cleaning the hall 是须花较久的时间,假若用 了 WHEN来译为“当”的意思,它就成了华式英语。


When someone called me, I was repairing my car.

When a stranger broke into his house, he was watching TV drama.

When a policeman came, the workers were busily cleaning the hall.

但While 却与 when有着相对的用法 . 上面的句子如果用了While,就不妥了。

While someone called me, I was repairing my car. (错)

While a stranger broke into his house, he was watching TV drama. (错)

While a policeman came, the workers were busily cleaning the hall. (错)


While I was repairing my car, someone called me.

While he was watching TV drama, a stranger broke into his house.

While the workers were busily cleaning the hall, a policeman came

