2015年3月10日 星期二

英语就是这样( 105 ) 关系从句 Relative Clause

This is the cleanest restaurant which I often dine with my friends.

Peter is the tallest man who always comes punctually to work.


一般上,在高级比较性 (Superlative Comparative)的文句中,如 the cleanest, the tallest, which和 who 是由 that 来代替的。所以,这两段就成了:

This is the cleanest restaurant that I often dine with my friends.

Peter is the tallest man that always comes punctually to work.

还有,在关系从句 (Relative Clause)中的限制或定义关系从句(restrictive (or defining) relative clauses)我们用which不用 that。

Kuala Lumpur, that is the capital of Malaysia, is a famous shopping city too. (错)

Kuala Lumpur, which is the capital of Malaysia, is a famous shopping city too. (对)

须注意的是在限制或定义关系从句(restrictive (or defining) relative clauses)中,一般上都用了逗号。

