2015年3月9日 星期一

英语就是这样( 104 ) 关系从句 Relative Clause

在关系从句 (Relative Clause)里,that 和 which 是否是没有分别?是不是东西,某件事都一律可以用上that 和 which呢?如以下的例子:

The house which I sold to her was damaged in the flood.

The house that I sold to her was damaged in the flood.

关系从句 ( Relative Clause) 有两种,一种是限制或定义关系从句(restrictive (or defining) relative clauses),另一种是无限制或无定义关系从句(non-restrictive (or non-defining) relative clauses).

限制或定义关系从句(restrictive (or defining) relative clauses)提供有关句子中名词的重要信息被视为不可删除掉的,用which 就比较适合了。

The house which was built in 1900 was damaged in the flood.

以上,如用that 就不大适合,也不能显出1900的重要性了。

在无限制或无定义关系从句(non-restrictive (or non-defining) relative clauses),来形容名词 的信息是可删除掉的,因为它被视为不重要,多余的。

The book that I bought last night was misplaced.

This pen that cost 20 dollars was bought by my brother.

上面的that I bought last night,that cost 20 dollars 是可删除掉。

