2015年3月9日 星期一

英语就是这样( 103 ) 关系从句 Relative Clause

在英语,如果关系从句 (Relative Clause)掌握的不好,你就会很难明白那相关段子的意思。那是因为那句子出现了一些疑问的词字如who, which, whom ,when 等等!你会以为是问答题呢!

其实,关系从句 (Relative Clause)的用意是对某件事,某人提供更多的知讯。


1. The man whom you talked to was my neighbor.

2. This is the place where most of the people like to gather.

3. The lock which was bought near the Hyper Market was misplaced.

4. My manager, who can’t speak Mandarin, got married last month.


第1 The man was my neighbor. You talked to him (the man)

Him 是目标(object)就用上(whom)来代替him (the man)

第2 This is the place. Most of the people like to gather here (the place)

Place 是地方 用where 来连接。

第3 The lock was misplaced. I bought the lock near the Hyper Market.

Lock 是东西,可用 which 或 that来连接

第4 My manager married last month. My manager can’t speak Mandarin.

这两段的句子的 My manager 都是同样一个人又是主题(subject)需用who

来连接. 这句也可写着 My manager, who got married last month, can’t speak Mandarin.

在连接两段句子时,必须注意的是 关系代词的who, which, whom, where 是紧接有关 某东西,某人的后面。如 第一 的the man 与whom, 第二的place 与where, 第三的lock与which 和第四的my manager与 who.

