2019年8月19日 星期一

A woman with her children was here ?????

A woman and her children were here.    were 是对的,但A woman with her children was here 是用was 而不是were

许多人往往把with 当着 (和)的意思,结果把人数变成复数用了were来用。

With 有着《带着》的意思,重点是主角不是其他的人或事物。

A woman with her children was here 可翻译为一位妇人带着孩子在这里;不是一位妇人和她的孩子在这里。


A car with three wheels was common in the olden days.

A table with four golden legs was stolen.

A house with three bed-rooms is well accepted by the people.

