2017年12月31日 星期日




2017年12月14日 星期四

Traffic Jam....no sign of its solution!

Since Penang was listed as UNESCO World Heritage Site City, there has been an increase of influx of tourists both local and foreign. The scenario in Penang nowadays especially George Town where most of the heritage sites situated is congestion of vehicles and traffic jam with vehicles crawling like tortoises on the major roads. It is not uncommon for any car to arrive its destination about 30 minutes later for a road of less than 5 kilometers.

The poor planning of traffic control, the disruptive traffic flow from the existence of bus-stands at illogical locations, unsynchronized traffic light timing, placement of parking lots along the roads are some of the reasons why the traffic flow is becoming impeded. Notwithstanding the above, the present Penang authority seems ignorant the present predicament and inconveniences faced by the road-users and focuses only on the Penang Transport Master Plan (PTMP )which is yet to embark for solving the escalating traffic congestion in the city.

As the PTMP is to take years for its completion, what is the short-term plan to alleviate or minimize the traffic congestion ? Are the Penangites to continue wasting their time on the roads and suffering from the hot sunshine? Penangites need to be given an answer and solutions ! It is no use of keep on issuing summons on illegal parkings penalizing the helpless motorists without any intermediate and transitional measures to help the road users.

2017年12月11日 星期一





2017年12月10日 星期日



以前,那是约五十年前,路边的小贩尤其是靠近学校的流动性的冰水的小贩特别多。在高空的炎热太阳下,来自不同种族的小学生很喜欢光顾这些冰水档。 以前,那是约五十年前,每逢庆典佳节。左邻右舍的友族同胞会相互祝贺和赠送过年甜品小食,增添佳节气氛!


2017年12月3日 星期日


“活在當下” 語出自賀拉斯的拉丁語詩集《頌歌》。《頌歌》翻譯是「活在當下,儘量不要相信明天」。頌歌述說未來不可預見,不要盲目追尋未來,而是在今天盡力而為讓明天變得更好。這句話的用意並不是要忽視未來,而是不要相信事情會自己到位,並要在今天為未來做出行動。


唐朝云门文偃大师被门徒问到:“请师父开示弟子要如何行道?”。云门文偃大师回答:“当下就是,眼前没有别的路!”。这是除去烦恼与压力,没法身相,清醒觉察。放下被过去经历绑架的思维以空想来修行。這種禪悅心法也就是六祖禅师說的「煩惱即是菩提」!煩惱的當下就等於菩提禪悅,無二無別的,何需等平撫轉移之後才自在呢! 师父叫我们如心烦,有杂念,就念经。念” 字上为“今”下为“心”所谓“今心“,就是把心放在现在!通过诵经排除杂念以达到心在当下这种状态的行为。

2017年11月28日 星期二



2017年11月26日 星期日






2017年11月21日 星期二



也许,有人问相信宗教者也是把希望和未来寄托在神明佛陀上帝的身上吗?我们也是一样把希望和未来寄托在人民代议士!是的,没错!但是人民代议士的宣言与承诺会跟着时间而变,是对人不对事,它会因事态转变而失真!宗教理念是经得起考验。世尊的话,佛经上所讲经过约2500 年后的今天还是抱朴含真,经得起考验啊!简单来说,这是承诺和教诲的对比!







2017年11月19日 星期日

Why Penang football failed miserably

If you read the news about what Datuk Shukor Salleh' s comments on Penang Football in New Straits Times ( Translation from Berita Harian ) you would have a clear picture on Penang football team performed badly and ended up last in the league

Below are the extracts from News Straits Times

Penang’s sad decline until they were relegated to the Premier League after only two season’s in the Super League is said to be caused by the management because they are ‘too smart’.

Penang’s former player and coach, Datuk Shukor Salleh said such a scenario has happened because the team is managed by those who do not know much about football but act as if they know more compared to experts.

“I am actually fed up of commenting about Penang because I am just so disappointed. As one who is born and bred in the state who ended up playing and coaching the team, I am also ashamed of what has happened.

“The team should not have been relegated to the Premier League because financially they are fully supported by the state government. I have been made to understand that the team are given a grant of RM34.5 million.

“With a grant as much as that, they should be able to get good players to bolster the team. But what has happened is they wasted money engaging foreign players who were lacking in quality.

“What made things worse is they also hired a lousy coach in Ashley Westwood. When Zainal (Abidin Hassan) took over, by that time it was already too late.

“All this has happened because the FA of Penang (FAP) do not have a background in football but act smarter than the experts,” said the national footballing legend.

Apart from engaging Westwood’s services, the Panthers also brought on board foreign players in the form of Reinaldo Lobo (Brazil), Diogo Ferreira (Australia), Andy Russell (Hong Kong) and Nigel Dabingyaba (Papua New Guinea). Lobo, Ferreira and Russell were then replaced by Brandon McDonald, Mark Hartmann and Sanna Nyassi during the transfer window in the middle of the season.

However the move failed to change Penang’s fortunes who finished the season bottom of the Super League table with only 12 points from 22 matches which resulted in them being relegated to the Premier League.

Shukor also chided the FAP’s lackadaisical attitude in forming a team for the coming new season.

It shows as they still have not appointed a new president after Zairil Khir Johari resigned on October 9.

“How are they going to move forward if they don’t even have a president? While other teams are busy making preparations for next season, Penang are still in ‘slumber’ as though nothing is happening nor going on.

“If this is the case, it is not impossible for them to drop down even further to the FAM Cup like before,” said Shukor referring to the team’s past history of playing in the third tier in 2012 and 2013.

By Rodly Fadly - November 16, 2017 @ 8:33pm

Translated from Berita Harian

2017年11月16日 星期四





2017年11月15日 星期三

Shifting the blame

Penang Government is now trying to redirect the focus of the people on her continuous and devastating pace of deforestation that caused catastrophic flood to the alarm system of meteorological expertise.

It is undeniable that natural disaster cannot be avoided but if it can be minimized or reduced to certain degrees if Penang Government is environmental friendly.

The pace of leveling and deforestation in the hilly areas have been accelerated with unbelievable speed and haste when the DAP formed the government. Landslides, floods, rain stagnation are now a common scenario. Those areas formerly not flooded are now also being effected and the colour of flooding water has changed to yellow muddy.

But DAP led government continued denying the flood was the result of hilly development. They started to attack the Federal Government of the untimely and inaccurate weather forecast. They said they would seek the expertise of meteorological authorities from other countries to help it develop a comprehensive early weather warning system. By this statement, it would also mean that more floods are coming to Penang if hilly developments are not going to stop.

2017年11月14日 星期二









2017年11月13日 星期一








2017年11月10日 星期五

2017年11月9日 星期四

hypocrisy of Malaysia opposition

The Philippine president Rodrigo Duterte (pic) said he had ordered the police to kill his son, Davao City Vice-Mayor Paolo Duterte, if they should catch him being involved in the illegal drug trade.

"My order was: If there's any of my children into drugs, kill them, so the people can't say anything against me," Duterte said during a speech to government workers and groups in Malacañang.

He said he had told his son about his orders to the police: "'My orders (are) to kill you if you are caught and I will protect the police who kill you."

Duterte's order to the police came following allegations of Senator Antonio Trillanes IV that his oldest son was a member of the Chinese drug triad.

"The better. So that I can say to people: There, you keep talking. There's my son's corpse," said Duterte. Salute to the President, Rodrigo Duterte.

This is what the general perception by any man in the street towards national leaders of any countries. The general public not only expect national leaders to be honest but also with unquestionable integrity.

However, this is not the practice in Malaysia especially for this to be applied on leaders of opposition political parties.

In Malaysia, when a leader in the ruling parties commits a crime or faces a corruption charge and is charged in courts, he or she will be asked to resign from his or her ministerial post by the opposition but when an opposition leader is charged on the similar offence, he or she will not be asked to resign or resign voluntarily. The said opposition leader charged in court can still go around the country talking about “ honesty”, “ anti-corruption”, “ save the nation”. What the mockery of personal integrity.

This is the political scenario in Malaysia.

The double standard practice is obvious but people just choose to ignore and keep on supporting these hypocrite parties.

2017年11月8日 星期三

A cart before a horse or otherwise

Now the Pakatan Harapan seemed to attack the Federal government on the recent flood in Penang. They blamed everything but themselves for the recent flood.

With DAP led government in Penang, there have been massive deforestation, excessive hilly development which is the catchment area. They spent millions on sports but not on flood mitigation. Where is the priority ?

The debating game on “ putting a horse in front of a cart or a cart before a horse “ started.

Some pictures on flood effected area.

Ironically, in the recent flood, the schools in Air Itam had never experienced flood before Pakatan Harapan came into power but not for this time.

2017年11月5日 星期日



频密的水灾的导因乃是槟州政府治水无能和开山劈地填海砍伐树木的破坏环境的举动,令槟城“前朝所未有”的大水灾周而复始地困扰人民。当日的豪雨导致丹绒武雅Persiaran Tanjung Bungah 3于今年初刚完工的山边三层豪宅计划新建道路下的防崩墙裂开和道路严重下陷。十月二十一日在同样地方也就是丹绒武雅附近的建筑工地发生土崩事故,导致11人惨遭活埋包括1名本地华裔和10名外籍建筑工。

很明显的连续的土崩事故是与丹绒武雅的土质有关。从画面看出,该地方是属于泥土性非山岩性。丹绒武雅是槟州升旗山山脉之附属地区;升旗山因其泥土性质成了集水区( Catchman Area);阿依淡水坝也就因此而建在升旗山山上!


2017年11月2日 星期四

going to school? 还是 going to the school?

“I am going to the hospital。”和“ I am going to hospital。”这两句中的 hospital 和 the hospital 有什么不同的意思?

若从英国式英语British English (BC)来看,这两句有轻微的差异。在英语中 the 是冠词,它是用于特定名词。Hospital 是指 医院,the hospital是指那间医院。医院是看病的地方,如果你说:“I am going to hospital。”你肯定是去看病或看医生或拜访病人。

如你说:“ I am going to the hospital。”这the hospital 是指那所医院;意思可能不是去看病或看医生或拜访病人,有可能你是去那边进行修理工作或其他的事情。

同样的,he is going to school 和he is going to the school 的演译也是与上面一样。

但是如果以美式英语American English, 美国人是用“I am going to the hospital。”和“he is going to the school 。”the 是少不了的!

2017年10月31日 星期二







2017年10月29日 星期日

Future Perfect Tense vs Future Perfect Continuous Tense

未来完成时态(Future Perfect Tense)和 未来完成连续时态 ( Future Perfect Continuous Tense)有什么不同?

未来完成时态(Future Perfect Tense)是指某个工作或工程或事件在未来的期限完成。

未来完成时态(Future Perfect Tense)的 例子

I will have finished my preparation by 300 pm today.


The plane will have reached Tokyo by 200 am next morning.


“ Don’t worry! The workers will have completed the decoration before 1000 am ”

“别担心, 工人将在上午十点前完成装修“

未来完成连续时态 ( Future Perfect Continuous Tense) 是指在某个工作或工程或事件在未来日子里,没有期限的,会继续的做下去!

She will have been staying here for 3 years by 2018.

到了2018年,她是一直呆在这里3年。 (到2018年,她会继续住下去)

The rain will have been pouring for 2 hours by 100 pm.

到晚上10点,这雨是下了2个小时。 (雨可能还会继续下!)

By next month, I will have been saving $10,000 in my bank .


2017年10月27日 星期五

Future continuous Tense Vs Future perfect tense

许多人对未来连续时态(Future continuous Tense) 和 未来完成时态(Future perfect tense)不大有把握因为这两个文法与未来有关而迷惘了。 “未来连续”是指在未来某段时间,有某个动作在进行或举行。英语说是duration持续时间。

例如 1:明天我会在在公司开会。

明天是未来,开会需一段时间来进行,所以,用英语说成: I will be having meeting tomorrow in the company.

例如 2:你跟朋友说你身体舒服,等下你会去看医生。

等下是未来,看医生需要时间,你可说:I am feeling not well and will be visiting a doctor later.

未来完成时态(Future perfect tense)是指某一个工作或动作预算在未来的某段时间完成。

例如 1:我的公司将会把这个工程在明年三月建好。

明年是未来,完成是预算中的期限。你可这样说: My company will have completed this construction by next March.

例如 2: 如果现在我们开始上路,我们可以在五点抵达他的家。

五点是未来的时间,抵达他的家是完成了的路程。英语是:If we start our journey now, we will have reached his house by 500pm.





九皇大帝圣诞期间售卖的斋饭素菜几乎贵的离谱,但有人说不要紧一年一次,只要吃了平安就好。啊!又是有人说!到底是谁说?没人知道! 吃斋可是修行啊!修行提高智慧,但你付了不符合食物的质与量的价钱,是没智慧的。售卖价格便宜素食的摊口多的很,你为何跑去那漫天开价的摊口用餐呢?更糟的,你在摊口碰到友人埋怨价格时,你还安慰他说:“不要紧,一年一次嘛!” 吃了多年竟然吃不出智慧,难道找不到价格便宜的摊格吗?为何还要自找苦吃甘愿自投罗网被人宰割?为何九皇大帝的圣诞完毕,就投诉多多,难道不明白黄逾打黄盖,一个愿打,一个愿挨的操作?干嘛发牢骚?无论如何,你还是会明年再度光顾那漫天开价的摊格吧!

2017年10月24日 星期二

Flawless government ????

It is said that people living in Penang are safe. Why? The reason is one and simple because there is no traffic accident and no traffic congestion on the road.

But according the news reports, there have been fatal accidents and daily traffic congestion ? Is the assertion correct ?

Yes, the assertion of no traffic accidents and no traffic congestion is true. It is because the roads were built and designed by the previous government , therefore, the present government should not be held responsible. Additionally, vehicles are of locally made and from the BN government and even the imported cars on the roads are approved by the BN government. So it is unfair to blame the Pakatan Harapan government.

The Pakatan Harapan government has been giving all sorts of excuses whenever there are mishaps and accidents. They will never admit their mistakes so if there are fatal accidents they may twist and turn the fact by redirecting to the Federal government or previous government. They never do wrong.

2017年10月23日 星期一



可不是吗? 道路是前朝政府国阵建造的,构造的,如果有车祸,该与现任的政府无关!车辆是国阵政府的产品,不是希联政府的产品,不能把车祸转于希联;如果是入口车辆发生车祸,那是国阵政府批准的进口车,也与槟城的希联政府扯不上任何关系!

槟州足球队在大马联赛中参赛的十二队伍中排名最后。 这也不能怪槟州希联政府因为足球场地是前朝政府国阵建造的,槟州足球协会也是前朝政府国阵成立的。


Press statement by Peter Bellew

The following are the press statement by Peter Bellew

Outgoing Malaysia Airlines Group Managing Director and Chief Executive Officer, Mr Peter Bellew held a special press conference, yesterday (22nd Oct 2017 ) and his press conference transcript is as follows:

Thank you for joining me on a Sunday. I just wanted to clear up a few issues that have arisen over the last few days. This is a personal response and not on behalf of Malaysia Airlines corporately. I hope to answer some questions I was asked overnight.

I am incredibly grateful to my colleagues in the Malaysia Airlines family who have worked so hard with me over the last 2 ½ years. Wonderful people. Able to deal with the most difficult situations with strength and faith. Not one person I have asked over these years to give the extra effort has refused. My family and I are thankful for the welcome and hospitality we have received in our time in Malaysia. This is a wonderful country. It is with sadness that I will leave but with great hope for the future of this very special airline.

I apologize for not being able to fulfill my contract. For education and family reasons my wife and kids went Balik Kampung in July. I thought I could manage it for a year or two but I need to be with my family. I am sorry. I resigned this day two weeks ago. It was a very difficult thing to do. Really. At that time I had not signed for a new job. Khazanah and our Chairman did everything possible to get me to stay. They could not understand why I would leave.

I got an offer to return to Ryanair who have some well publicized challenges right now. This is my old family in Ireland. It is Ireland’s greatest company. I will move from being CEO to COO. They need me to help. Negaraku. That is your special word. That is how I feel. Negaraku. I have a duty to do it. When I was asked on 27th Sept would I go to Ryanair I said no. But a week later the call came and in life we can really never say never. I am looking forward to being close again to my family and friends 14 hours away in Ireland.

The news broke about Ryanair last Sunday in the UK Sunday Times. Ryanair waited until Tuesday to make a stock exchange announcement.

There have been news reports about Khazanah interference. Let me be clear. Khazanah is a Malaysian investment company linked to the Government. They have been incredibly supportive to me personally and corporately. There has been no interference. I cannot thank them enough for accelerating our transformation. Tan Sri Azman could not have been more supportive. Terima kasih Khazanah.

There have been reports that I am leaving due to political interference. That is completely untrue. The Dept of Transport have been more than helpful and Minister Liow has been extremely fair in the treatment of all airlines in Malaysia. The Dept of Tourism and Tourism Malaysia could not have done more for Malaysia Airlines in the past year and do a tremendous job globally. Minister Mustapaha from MITI is maybe the most effective Minister I have met in my lifetime. The Prime Minister has not interfered in any way. He has encouraged me at every step.

There are reports that I am leaving because of aircraft orders. That is completely untrue. 100% incorrect. Not a shred of truth in that statement. There was no political interference in MAB decision to buy Boeing or Airbus. MAB needs more widebody planes and less narrow bodies. Simple. The Chairman and I brought the MOU to the Prime Minister in Washington and he witnessed the MOU signing. It all came from MAB.

Malaysia is an amazing country. 60 years of peace. Incredible economic growth. Unique racial and religious harmony. Turn on a tap and there is clean water. Superb education. I have never seen anyone hungry. Abundant natural resources. A vibrant culture. There was some great vision from Government over the last 40 years to build Malaysia. And a leader in 1981 did some great things for his country.

But Tun Mahahtir is completely wrong. 100% wrong. No one connected with him has ever been in any contact to check. I have had no interference from anyone on anything. NO interference. I just want to Balik Kampung. Simple I am Balik Kampung. Negaraku. Back to the people I love. Simple.

I have read every book I could find on MAS. Tan Sri Aziz did a particularly good one. I have read Tun Mahathir’s biography and his books of letters. Tun Mahathir highlights in his own book his failures on MAS that led to its downfall. In fact across 200 pages in his own book he completely contradicts himself.

On page 711 he states "The company had been doing well when it was sold to Tajuddin in 1994 and his acquisition of Malaysia Airlines had been seen as a coup."

On page 533 he states "Tajuddin was elated over his purchase. He wanted to swap his Malaysian Helicopter shares for MAS shares. The Government rejected his plan and asked that he pay in cash instead, which forced him to borrow RM 1.8 billion. I do remember wondering how Tajuddin would be able to buy the airline."

But Tun Mahathir contradicts himself on page 711 of his own book saying, "He had attempted to to buy his stake in MAS through Celcom shares and he would not have had to spend a sen. In the end, however, he had to borrow a lot of money to buy the shares. Had I known this I would have put a stop to the acquisition."

In his own book on page 533 he states that he knew it was debt that was unsustainable.

Page 796 he highlights his bitterness when Tun Badawi did not appoint him as advisor to MAS. The damage goes back to 1994 and debt.

Malaysia Airlines is special. Not just an airline but one of the earliest symbols of the vibrancy of this amazing country. People who have never flown in their life love it. Most of the country hopes it will thrive and be the Pride of the Nation again. I wish Captain Izham and the Malaysia Airlines family all the best for the future.

2017年10月22日 星期日


槟州丹绒武雅的山坡发展工地在十月二十一日周六上午8时许发生土崩活埋14人惨剧。这个悲剧是可避免的,如果州政府有听取民间对于在山坡进行高密度的房屋发展计划可会引发山崩的意见。 在惨剧发生之前,当地州议员郑雨周就已强烈反对这项发展计划. 郑雨周就指出在山坡建50层楼高的房屋计划,山坡里面都是岩石,必须先炸石才能进行建设,而每次炸石时,周围地区的居民都会感受到地动山摇的情况,加上该区位于槟城北岸,地高、雨水量也较多,导致土地比其他地更潮湿,以及有地下水,是很容易发生土崩的。


今年9月9日,50名來自槟岛18个居民协会的代表联合召开记者会提醒州政府,不应该批准超过海拔250尺的山坡进行发展计划,因为这会对附近的环境造成破坏,包括土蚀、土崩、泥土不稳固等。 土崩发生后,槟州还会不会再有人为的悲剧呢?天灾难避,人为的灾难是完完全全可受控可避免的。但从槟州第一号官员的一贯做风,人为悲剧是还会发生的!只是不知谁是不幸者。每次的灾难,我们的槟州第一号官员都在找借口,推卸责任。要不是把责任推给前朝政府,就是玩弄文字游戏。这让人笑掉大牙的文字游戏有:“那不是水灾,那是积水”,“ 没有雨,那来水患!”,垄尾山崩时,槟州第一号官员赖给“空前大雨”,亚依淡水坝路山崩时就指是“自然造成”。这次丹绒武雅的牺牲人命的土崩惨剧,这位官员说是“工地意外”。


2017年10月20日 星期五


10月14日 希望联盟举办的“爱国锄盗”集会的反应与往昔比的确差强人意,可说是冷淡收场。希望联盟的出席人数是10万人单但估计当晚最高峰的时候却是差不多1万人。往昔,民联所号召的集会人数很容易达至10万人;10万人的目标根本是易如反掌!民联换希联,政治方针模糊,有着争论性领导人物,提出不实际的宣言,矛盾的言论种种都是烧票云作。



2017年10月18日 星期三

Hypocrisy of our Opposition

It is sad to know that when Malaysia Airlines Bhd (MAB) is on trend to its route of recovery from the red, its CEO, Peter Bellew, had decided to quit for his much needed assistance in Ryanair Ltd where he would take over responsibility for all Ryanair’s flight operations, ground operations and engineering. In his press statement, Peter Bellew reiterated the reasons he left Malaysia Airlines for Ryanair. In his press release, Bellew quoted that it was the form of national service to help , Ryanair, his country airliner and secondly he chose to be with his family again.

Ryanair is facing problems of pilot shortage which had triggered cancellation of more than 20,000 flights over the winter season and the liner has been getting together on social media to lobby for a major overhaul of the company's employment conditions. Peter Bellew is well regarded in the aviation industry and is "thought to have had a good relationship with the pilots when he was there." Therefore, it is not surprising to learn that he is the most ideal choice for Ryanair.

It is sad that Peter Bellew is leaving Malaysia Airlines but it is even disheartening and sadder to note that there are attempts by certain quarters to politicize the resignation to their selfish gains and benefits. When Peter Bellew was appointed as CEO of MAB, these were the same group of people who objected strongly but today they played hypocritically and expressed their desire of his retainership and continued engagement.

The contradictory actions by all quarters especially from our political parties are most unwarranted in the recruitment of foreign expertise to help in our nation development as it may be misconstrued by those foreigners who would like to take up offers of opportunities working and contributing in our country.

2017年10月16日 星期一


一般上,要把知识化为记忆囤积在脑海,须要对某事物有认知,认知要靠领悟的本能。领悟性强与弱,就得视个人的熟悉感的吸收力。学生们在上课时老师还未教导的课程,如果学生们能针对老师即教的课程来个参考或阅读;当老师开始教导那篇课,熟悉感会让学生的领悟性有着 醍醐灌顶的功能让他们顿时开窍呢!


缓解考试压力有赖于父母与孩子的相互沟通。许多孩子怕家长,这就是问题!为什么“怕”?关系不好吧?是不是孩子不听话?不听话是不是因为家长的话不能听?那肯定家长要自己孩子比别人的孩子强!别人考90分,他们要他考95 分或更高!最后,孩子变了不再听话了!最后难于沟通了!




2017年10月11日 星期三

短缩关系从句 ( Reduced Relative clauses )

英语文法中有短缩关系从句 ( Reduced Relative clauses ),如果无法掌握其用法,很难明白句子的意思。

The letter which was sent to you was redirected to me.

上面是关系从句 ( Relative clauses ),但它可缩短至

The letter sent to you was redirected to me.

关系从句 ( Relative clauses )的which was 已被删除掉了。


1. I had my car repaired yesterday.

原文是:I had my car repaired by the mechanic yesterday.

原文中的by the mechanic已被删除掉了

2. Please show me the house rented was not meant for illegal activities.

原文是:Please show me the house which was rented was not meant for illegal activities

原文中的which was 已被删除掉了

3. Any money paid will not be refunded.

原文是: Any money which had been paid will not be refunded.

原文中的which had been 已被删除掉了

Although, though, in spite of, despite of

Although, though, in spite of, despite of 是“虽然”的意思。但它们的用法,有不同点。

Although, though 是 连词(conjunctions) 。它们须置于clauses 条文或句子的前端。例子如下:

Although the book was expensive, I bought it.

Although he did not like that movie, he still accompanied his wife to the theatre.

Though the company suffered losses heavily, the company still paid out bonuses to its staff.

Though she was tired, she went on working.

in spite of, despite of 是介词(prepositions),它们须置于名词 ( Noun)的前端。 例子如下

In spite of the time limitation, he finished the exam in time.

They went out in spite of the rain.

Despite of his objection, the development plan was approved.

We bought the house despite its bad location.


They went out though raining. (错)

They went out in spite of the rain. (对)

Despite the price was high, he bought it. (错)

Although the price was high, he bought it. (对)

2017年10月8日 星期日


政治最好的功能就是它能让清醒的人看透政客的真正的面目。政治人物是经验老道,善于“见人说人话,见鬼说鬼话”,随机应变的熟练手法让情绪易于波动选民难于区别。对于冷静,思维成熟的选民,在“听其言,观其行”下,政客会原形毕露,赤 裸裸的暴露他们的丑态和谎话。这些政客在他们的族群前,高声大喊捍卫他们的权益,但在非他的族群前,却默声不出,一句不敢再谈他本身族群的权益!


2017年10月3日 星期二

Where the room charges on tourits go ?

Room surcharge or Levy has been imposed and implemented by Penang Government since June 2014. The authority said the levy collected would be used to promote tourism in Penang for the benefits of visiting tourists. It has been almost three years since the collection of levy but we have not heard much about the development plans or promotional events pertaining to the tourism or its related operation.

There is an obvious lack of information centres on most of the Penang tourist centres. What the tourists especially non-local tourists need is the information and briefing on the attractions where they are visiting. Not only information centres are not available but also booths and stalls where pamphlets flyers and brochures can be obtained are hard to locate and find.

In some foreign countries where tourism is blooming, shutter buses are easily available from hotels to designated tourist spots and to ease the maintenance of these fleet of vehicles transporting tourists to the tourist sports, the local authorities can reimburse the hoteliers with the levy collected.

Levy collection is logic and relevant to be used to fund the tourism related activities including the maintenance. There are still many improvements needed for enhancement of the infrastructure in the tourist spots such as toileting facilities and erection and placement of informative signage.

2017年10月1日 星期日





2017年9月17日 星期日

谢谢雨 ,你 让他们原形毕露




2017年9月12日 星期二

Are the safety cones really safe for the bridge users?

The scheduled maintenance works on the slow and emergency lanes of Penang Bridge has begun and is expected to last at least a year for its completion. As expected, traffic is slow during peak hours. Barricades and safety cones have been placed along the affected lanes especially at the middle span of the bridge to facilitate the work of maintenance carried out.

I am the regular commuters of the Penang Bridge and for the past weeks while crossing the bridge, I have noticed that many safety cones are being placed at the affected work site. A question on the safety to the bridge users has been raised by many bridge users with the placement of safety cones since the scheduled maintenance work started. Are the safety cones easily blown and flown away during bad weathers of strong winds and heavy rains and endanger the safety of bridge commuters?

Since the commencement of maintenance work begins, there is a noticeable show of patience by bridge users as well as commendable control of traffic flow by the Bridge authority. However, to many bridge users, they want to know if the safety cones are really safe during bad weathers.

2017年9月4日 星期一

Togetherness we can strive for goal

In appreciation and recognition of much efforts for success and achievement of 29th SEA Game put up by various quarters specially our athletes for our historical 145 gold in the overall medal tally, our Prime Minister, Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak, declared an additional national holiday on 4th September 2017 for all Malaysians. However, our Prime Minister implied that announcing an additional national day was not easy as there were too many public holidays in Malaysia.

To put it explicitly what meant by “not easy” by our Prime Minister, an additional day of national holiday meant an additional cost to private sectors and any impromptu announcement of an additional holiday might derail planned and schedule operations and business and executive activities.

Our open economy depends much on the foreign investments. With the implementation of Minimum Wages Order in July 2016, competition for foreign investments become tense and keen among the Sean countries. For the 2nd quarter 2017, Vietnam achieved and exceeded 6% in her economic growth while Thailand had shown solid economic performance at her faster speed in over the last 4 years with exports growing at a double-digit rate. For our country, IMF had projected our economic growth for year 2017 at 4.8% and clearly we lagged behind our neighbouring countries. Notwithstanding the present scenario, our economic growth can still be accelerated if cooperation and positive approach can be propelled by all quarters especially from political parties. Influx of foreign investments depend on many determinants, labour and wages are one of inclusive and deciding factors. Other determinants are political stability, non-ambiguous economic and financial policies and public confidence.

Upon conclusion of 29th SEA Games, Selangor Menteri Besar, Datuk Seri Azmin Ali, reiterated that Selangor had helped Malaysia hauling 145 gold medals. The statement from Datuk Seri Azmin Ali may be interpreted as with cooperation and coordination of all parties mindlessness of political differences, our country can achieve desired goal. However, since the emergence of a strong opposition alliance in our political scene, our political stability becomes challenging and fragile. Since 2008 after the opposition successfully established reckoning force in Malaysia political arena , we have come across many irresponsible statements and acts to undermine the political stability in our country which is one of the major factors for influx of foreign investments.

Malaysia is now mature enough by her age of 60. Similarly, our rakyat share the same view hoping that our politicians are mature too not to undermine our political stability en route for greater and faster economic advancement for the betterment of ours.

2017年8月23日 星期三

Help underperforming students!

Our Education Ministry has identified a total of 402 schools nationwide as hotspots for disciplinary and drugs problems. We wonder after the identification and classification, what are the follow-up actions to be taken by the authorities to help improving or delisting these schools? Are there any ready measures and guidelines for the schools to be followed in order to be removed their names from the list ?

It may sound illogical and unreasonable for the schools to be enlisted or red flagged but no guidelines or measures for the grieved schools to adhere for improvement.

The root-causes of the disciplinary and drugs problems among the students must be identified and rectified within the shortest possible time to enhance the public confidence and perception on these schools. It appears ironical and unfair to the schools on the list if there are no remedial solutions and counter measures by the Education Minster to render necessary assistance tackling the disciplinary and drugs problems. Without any clear directions, the enlisted schools will find it difficult to be delisted.

Why are students lackadaisical in their studies? Why are they not disciplined and drug-addicted?

Education is said to be free and fair to all but what we have seen today the process of educating and transmitting knowledge is not fairly practised especially onto those students who are slow-learners and incompetent. The present scenario is discrimination through classification based on examination results. The students are being judged and categorized through their examination results. Students with excellent results are classed in Category A and those students with poor performance are being seated discriminatingly in the lower rank of the classes. This act of classification undoubtedly and directly creates misconception and stress on these poor students whose self-pride are hurt.

Placement of students accordingly to their performances is good if there are plans to assist improving those needy. These students with poor academic results really need motivation and inspiration. Are there any constructive and rhythmical plans for these students. Contradictorily, knowing them exam phobia, they are again given the same test papers as those students categorized A. They are again graded in overall results of the same form of the students. What do we expect their results will be? It appears that they are repeatedly beaten and placed lowly in the examination throughout their school lives. Continual failure and poor performance in the examination not only erode the confidence but also help to develop disciplinary problems among the students.

Proactive measures should be embarked to help those underperforming students. Motivational and inspirational talks should be conducted often. Self-pride and confidence of these students should not be eroded for the creation of disciplinary problems which will become the social liabilities with high cost to tackle.

2017年8月20日 星期日

Road signs in Geroge Town

Recently, while loitering along with friends in the city of George Town, we discovered that many road signs were now without Chinese characters.
最近,在槟城的市区与朋友走走时,突然发现许多的路牌上的华语路名不见了。 Recently, while loitering along with friends in the city of George Town, we discovered that many road signs were now without Chinese characters.
最近,在槟城的市区与朋友走走时,突然发现许多的路牌上的华语路名不见了。 Recently, while loitering along with friends in the city of George Town, we discovered that many road signs were now without Chinese characters.

2017年8月14日 星期一





2017年8月11日 星期五

some time, sometimes 和 sometime

有学生再次问及英语中的 some time, sometimes 和 sometime的区别。

Some time, sometimes 和 sometime 太相似了但它们的意思却有些不一样。

Some time - 一些时间,一点时间。


I need some time to finish the work.


She needs some time to come here as the traffic is congested.


Sometimes 有时


He sometimes drinks coffee though his favor is tea。


Sometimes I go to bed without washing。


Sometime 某时


We shall meet sometime in future.


I did remember we had done the repair sometime last week.


2017年8月1日 星期二

Bring back the Pinang trees to Penang

The activities of cutting and shortening overgrown branches by the workers of Penang City Hall have been a norm of daily panoramic view along the major roads in town and this cutting exercises on major roads have impeded the flow of traffic and create inconveniences to the road-users. Nonetheless, these exercises will continue as long as the present species of trees are not changed. Not only the ever-growing branches of the problematic trees create laborious cutting work but also its withering leaves require constant clearing labour of the council workers. Therefore, to save cost and also avoid controversial arguments on the environmental issues contradicting many banners with slogan of Greener and Cleaner Penang, it is high time for the local council to plant or replant or replace the present species of trees with less branches and falling leaves.

As the name of the island implied, Pulau Pinang derives its name from the name of Areca Catechu or Pinang Palm. However, ironically, except for few places such as Codrington Avenue and Esplanade playground, we can hardly find any prominent proliferation of these Pinang trees within the town area. Pinang trees, one of the essential features of Penang signatures, should be considered an ideal choice of substitution for the present species as they are of pinnate compound leaves without any branches. Incidentally, their leaves are not straightly or upwardly protruding but growing downwardly and this may help to save the cutting and trimming exercises being conducted regularly by the local council. Secondly, the leaves of Pinang trees do not easily wither and fall and this would keep the roads free of scattering leaves.

Prioritizing planting of Pinang trees is not only apt to the name of “ Pulau Pinang” but also nostalgic of its agricultural heritage.

2017年7月25日 星期二








马云的四个 "坚持"










2017年7月20日 星期四

Greener Penang ??

Non-Stopping deforestation and leveling near Paya Terubong, Penang
Non-Stopping deforestation and leveling near Paya Terubong, Penang

Non-Stopping deforestation and leveling near Paya Terubong, Penang

Banners of “ Cleaner, Greener Penang) can be seen everywhere in Penang

Fail and Success

I was invited to give a motivational speech at a secondary school recently. I was glad to accept it as nowadays our youngsters seem to have lost their ways and are in dilemma of confining themselves in the circles of uncertainties. Hopefully, I can help those wandering in the field of study and learning lessen the necessary stresses and pressure. Because of the stress and the lackadaisical attitude on studies, many students find it as a pressure rather than interest on their studies. To motivate these students to study poses a big challenge as direct, simple and innovative approach is needed to enhance their interests on studies.

I shared with them the meaning of “ Fai”. I explained to them that upon receiving the examination results, if they had done badly, the result would show Fail. However, they tended to focus on the first alphabet of F and ignored the importance of “ ail” that followed. The abbreviation of “ail” means “Am I lazy.” If you got a “f”, you should ask yourself “ Am I lazy?”

Another word I shared with the students was “ success” . I asked the students to look at the spelling of this two word. It was spelt without a and b but with c, and e and with both end of s. It meant that if your results were given the score of c and e, you had to keep on study and study to improve your score and there was the reason why the alphabet of s stood at both end of “ success”.

One of the problems faced by students in their studies and learning is the lack of preparedness for the lessons to be conducted by teachers. Understanding of the subjects taught is the basic requirement for the students to have high scores in their examination or proficiency test. Lack of understanding is caused by low level of absorption of the knowledge transmitted during the lessons given by teachers. The rate of absorption can be enhanced through familiarization that requires student to prepare their lessons which are not taught but going to be taught by teachers the following day. With the lessons prepared in advance by students, when the lessons are being transmitted the very next day, the students are able to absorb them through familiarization fast into their minds.

When the knowledge is rooted in their minds, it becomes memory and will be called out in the examination. The end result is the high score.

Basically, the examination is discharge of memory and put it in writing from what has been learnt on the test-papers. Therefore, good memory is due to good storage of knowledge in the brains; good storage is because of ability of understanding which is gained through series of familiarization processes. Therefore, the preparedness is vital in learning.

2017年7月17日 星期一





你们俩曾经提醒我:这位马司机对搭客尤其是我们这一族很不公平。同样的车程,我们必须多付车资,其他的搭客的车资比我们还少,有时还会免费载送呢! 你们还公开的指责这位马司机专门只挑选有他同族贩卖食物饮料的休息站来泊车,让我们在南北大道旁作生意的华族面对很大的压力,赚钱的机会也减少了。 这位马司机对搭客真的很不平。他自己的族人可以在车内大声讲高声谈自由跑动,我们这一族却被他有所限制,得乖乖的坐在车位。有时,还得被命令让位给他刚刚上车而没有车位的朋友!你还记得吗?多年前,你就是不听话,他叫了他的警察朋友把你抓进牢房里?




2017年7月14日 星期五



中华文化和习惯始终攀及绕参于八德或八端的考、悌、忠、信、礼、义、廉、耻。现今,有人为了要出名,连人体器官的名称灌输入歌曲中。不管是明显性的,含蓄性的,还是暗示性,这已是触及八德的耻;耻,羞也。作曲者竟然不懂华人的八德,把人体器官的名称,“击败”加入歌词中,还不知耻羞的公开邀人和唱合唱!真的是“他妈的!”。也许有人会争论,这“击败”不是我们想象中的那“击败”,那我问歌唱者为何唱到歌曲中的这两个句,会有音调的转变让听者特别注意呢? 歌曲与歌唱已是人们不可缺少的生活调情安心的储煤。无论抒情还是民谣,歌唱者的目的是与人分享内心的感受。能在歌艺赛脱颖而出夺取宝座者,肯定是在演唱时把内心的情感与选唱的歌曲融合一起,打动评审员和听众的心弦引起了共鸣!把“击败”的歌曲唱出来,是否要人们明明白白的知道歌唱者内心是充满污染文化,有着玷辱性的人格呢?作曲写歌者要引起他人认同与共鸣?




2017年7月11日 星期二



为什么1MDB的事件已燃烧近两年了。至今还是政党的喜爱炒作课题呢? 是否因为要以1MDB的课题来掩盖本身的污败事件转移人民的视线?或者是要人民在相比下,从腐败的一群,选出少腐败的一位?对政客高谈反污去污之评语是跟妓女谈贞操也!政客自鸣清高整天自我宣传为清廉者,你可否相信?

2017年7月10日 星期一




2017年6月27日 星期二

Money Gamers....the action ??????

Bank Negara has again red-flagged another fourteen companies which are allegedly operating money games and pyramid schemes and with the latest addition, there are now 316 companies which are neither authorised nor approved under the relevant laws and regulations for operating business or financial activities in our country.

It is quite shocking to note that there are so many companies operating money games and pyramid schemes favour Malaysia as their bases and centres. Many questions are being posed to our authorities. Are our existing laws inadequate and ineffective to curb or control these money games ? Are our enforcement blindfolded or handicapped amidst the blossoming of these unauthorized and unapproved business activities? What ironical was that at least one of the directors had been caught and jailed in our neighbouring country but not in our country where the jailed director amassed millions of dollars. Isn’t it a mockery of our enforcement?

The publication of names of companies involved in unauthorized and unapproved financial activities will not deter any ignorant or greedy investors being lured into the lucrative investments. To enhance the public confidence, other than giving warnings through media, immediate action must also be taken. Though raids were conducted by task force comprises officers from Bukit Aman’s Commercial Crime Department; the Domestic Trade, Cooperatives and Consumerism Ministry (KPDNKK); Bank Negara Malaysia; and the Companies Commission of Malaysia, there seems not a slight jitter being created on the existing investors on the companies raided. This is an alarming sign to the authorities to nip the bud before the money games or pyramid schemes proliferating into uncontrollable state in our financial and business circles.

Our legal tender is ringgit but virtual coins via Loyalty Reward Points launched by the Money Gamers are being used in the daily business transactions. It is a clear contravention of the norm of Money Service Business Act. Goods worth billions of ringgit had been bought with Loyalty Rewards Points and transferred by foreign tourists out from our country but with their money deposited in the foreign branches. The outflow of goods without any real money involved should be checked and put to a stop as it is detrimental to our economy.

The authorities should act fast in wake of the mushrooming of the money game activities. The public has been watching the action to be taken since the raids conducted by the authorities. If there is no action or charges made against the so-called outlaws, the public confidence and trust on the current money-games will be further enhanced as the questionable legality would be diminished in due course.

2017年6月22日 星期四





2017年6月21日 星期三



