It is sad to know that when Malaysia Airlines Bhd (MAB) is on trend to its route of recovery from the red, its CEO, Peter Bellew, had decided to quit for his much needed assistance in Ryanair Ltd where he would take over responsibility for all Ryanair’s flight operations, ground operations and engineering. In his press statement, Peter Bellew reiterated the reasons he left Malaysia Airlines for Ryanair. In his press release, Bellew quoted that it was the form of national service to help , Ryanair, his country airliner and secondly he chose to be with his family again.
Ryanair is facing problems of pilot shortage which had triggered cancellation of more than 20,000 flights over the winter season and the liner has been getting together on social media to lobby for a major overhaul of the company's employment conditions. Peter Bellew is well regarded in the aviation industry and is "thought to have had a good relationship with the pilots when he was there." Therefore, it is not surprising to learn that he is the most ideal choice for Ryanair.
It is sad that Peter Bellew is leaving Malaysia Airlines but it is even disheartening and sadder to note that there are attempts by certain quarters to politicize the resignation to their selfish gains and benefits. When Peter Bellew was appointed as CEO of MAB, these were the same group of people who objected strongly but today they played hypocritically and expressed their desire of his retainership and continued engagement.
The contradictory actions by all quarters especially from our political parties are most unwarranted in the recruitment of foreign expertise to help in our nation development as it may be misconstrued by those foreigners who would like to take up offers of opportunities working and contributing in our country.