2017年10月29日 星期日

Future Perfect Tense vs Future Perfect Continuous Tense

未来完成时态(Future Perfect Tense)和 未来完成连续时态 ( Future Perfect Continuous Tense)有什么不同?

未来完成时态(Future Perfect Tense)是指某个工作或工程或事件在未来的期限完成。

未来完成时态(Future Perfect Tense)的 例子

I will have finished my preparation by 300 pm today.


The plane will have reached Tokyo by 200 am next morning.


“ Don’t worry! The workers will have completed the decoration before 1000 am ”

“别担心, 工人将在上午十点前完成装修“

未来完成连续时态 ( Future Perfect Continuous Tense) 是指在某个工作或工程或事件在未来日子里,没有期限的,会继续的做下去!

She will have been staying here for 3 years by 2018.

到了2018年,她是一直呆在这里3年。 (到2018年,她会继续住下去)

The rain will have been pouring for 2 hours by 100 pm.

到晚上10点,这雨是下了2个小时。 (雨可能还会继续下!)

By next month, I will have been saving $10,000 in my bank .


