2016年2月14日 星期日

The illogical comparison.

The dispute on the issue of traffic situation resulted from the Penang Hot Air Balloon Fiesta was unavoidable as the chosen site was just opposite Penang General Hospital. The argument was the possibility of ambulance trapped in the traffic jam. The critics and comments from the public should be taken seriously and rationally. However, the response and reply from the Penang Government were just disgusting. What unacceptable and illogical reply was that the State Government in refuting the constructive comments by comparing the traffic situation between Hot Air Balloon Fiesta and that of Thaipusam festival celebration.

It is illogical and irrational to link the religious and holy Thaipusam with that of recreational Hot Balloon Fiesta. The points were and are very clear. Thaipusma is a religious celebration and its designated roads for procession have been chosen hundred years ago. According to the Wikipedia, the central and main place of Thaipusam activities has been in Waterfall Hill Temple which is accessible from Jalan Utama since 1800.

On the contrary, the site for Hot Air Balloon can be reallocated and changed. It is impromptu and recreational nature. That the site would affect the smooth flow of traffic is undeniable as it could be substantiated by the fact that to solve the traffic stagnation especially during the peak hours the roads along Padang Polo such as Jalan Utama, Jalan Residensi and Jalan Sepoy Lines had been converted into one-way by the previous state government.

Why insist on the site of Padang Polo or in Penang Island? There are many open fields and grounds in the Province Wellesley, it seems that the present state government only focus organized activities on the island.

