2017年3月20日 星期一

DAP created history again

Penang DAP Led Government had again created history in Malaysia.

Lim Guan Eng became the first Chief Minister in Malaysia sued by a journalist. On 17th March 17, Penang Chief Minister Lim Guan Eng was sued for defamation by a Chinese vernacular newspaper reporter over a Facebook post criticising the latter. Guang Ming Daily senior journalist Ong Beng Siang filed the lawsuit at the Penang High Court to demand for damages as well as an injunction to stop the Penang Chief Minister from making further defamatory statements against him. In his statement of claim, Ong claimed that Lim had, in the January 22 Face book post, called him unethical, immoral, unprofessional and accused him of wanting to topple the Penang state government. The cited post had named Ong personally and further described him as “not fit” to be a reporter, besides containing Lim's demand for an apology.

Before this, Lim Guan Eng had also created history by becoming the first Chief Minister charged in courts without relinquishing his official post prior to the charges. He was facing two counts of corruption in relation to investigations over his purchase of a house for RM2.8 million (S$939,560).

The dignity and integrity of the post of Chief Minister now become questionable.

