2015年2月22日 星期日

Error Correction………………….(6)

Try to identify where the error is before looking for the answer.

1. I heard you shouted at her last night.

2. There is many students studying foreign language now.

3. He is here before you came.

4. Drinking, smoking and play computer games are his daily life.

5. Everyone must come for registration tomorrow unless he is certified unfit by a doctor.

6. One of his friend met an accident last night.

7. How many books did you write for that publisher?

8. Can you tell me where is my key?

9. Strict rules should enforced to deter further decline of the disciplines among the students.

10. There is no more water in the tank but we need many water to wash this dirty floor.

11. As that book is quite interested, I will buy it.

12. How many fishes had you caught?

13. He was born in the month of September, 2000.

14. Jimmy was moving house and he had bought a lot of new furnitures.

15. The new furniture costed him thousands of dollars.

16. Mary is a tallest girl in the class.

17. She has just bought a wooden big chair.

18. I paid two thousands dollars for this new computer.

19. My mother goes to a market every day.

20. Mr Tan is the dedicated teacher in this school.


1. I heard you shout at her last night.

2. There are many students studying foreign language now.

3. He has been here before you came.

4. Drinking, smoking and playing computer games are his daily life.

5. Everyone must come for registration tomorrow unless he or she is certified unfit by a doctor.

6. One of his friends met an accident last night.

7. How many books have you written for that publisher?

8. Can you tell me where my key is?

9. Strict rules should be enforced to deter further decline of the disciplines among the students.

10. There is no more water in the tank but we need much water to wash this dirty floor.

11. As that book is quite interesting, I will buy it.

12. How many fish had you caught?

13. He was born in September, 2000.

14. Jimmy was moving house and he had bought a lot of new furniture.

15. The new furniture cost or (costs) him thousands of dollars.

16. Mary is the tallest girl in the class.

17. She has just bought a big wooden chair.

18. I paid two thousand dollars for this new computer.

19. My mother goes to market every day.

20. Mr Tan teacher is a dedicated teacher in this school.

