2015年2月13日 星期五

英语就是这样( 102 ) 情态动词 Modal Verbs

什么是情态动词 ( Modal Verbs)?情态动词 ( Modal Verbs)是一种辅助动词用于指示方式 – 即可能性,能力和义务。例子如 can, shall, will, must, may 等等。

He will come here.

She can finish the work before going home.

I may do it for you.

以上的will, must, can 都是情态动词 Modal Verbs。


He would come here.

She could finish the work before going home.

I might do it for you.

在过去式(PAST TENSE),我们只换情态动词 (Modal Verbs)中的can, shall, will, may 其后的连接动词是属于不定式动词(infinitive) 不能有任何的更换。所以,句子里的come, finish 和do 不能改换为came, finished 和did, 我们只把 can, shall , will, may 换为could, should, would 和might.

情态动词 Modal Verbs中的 ought 和 must 没有过去式(PAST TENSE)不能换。如

He said : “ You must come!”

He said: “ You ought to do it.”

