2015年10月22日 星期四

Stop collecting the hotel room tax

The problem of haze has been plaguing us for the last two months and it seems the situation will remain till the change from the direction of wind from north east monsoon. It means that we have to face and live with the haze for another few weeks.

With the situations getting worse, there are delays and cancellation of flights, closure of schools and cancellation of outdoor activities. Undoubtedly, the most effected sector is tourism as many tourists will prefer to shunt Malaysia for other unaffected countries for their holidays. The Hoteliers need help from the government whether it is temporary or otherwise to weather this haze situation.

The Penang Government has imposed hotel room tax since June 2014 and these taxes collected, as explained by the Penang Local government, would be utilized for the promotion and assistance in the tourist industry. Now it is the right time for the Penang Government to reciprocate. Penang Government can stop collecting these room tax till the haze problem is solved and also the hoteliers can keep those fees collected but not yet paid as a relief. This suggestion, of course, may not help much to alleviate their financial loss but it may signify the commitment of the Statement Government to the tourist industry.

