2015年4月5日 星期日

Dr Mahathir, a potential candidate in the coming by-election?

The former Prime Minister of Malaysia, Tun Dr Mahathir launched attacks against the present Prime Minister again. This time, we could see that the attack was full of fires and the fiercest we had ever seen. Tun Dr Mahathir quoted several unanswered questions as reasons for the resignation of Datuk Seri Najib Tub Razak as the Prime Minister.

Tun Dr Mahathir is a controversial politician though he retired from politics in October, 2003 he remains as an active political figure by constantly giving his views and expressing his feelings on the administration and policies of the ruling government. While he was a prime minster, there had been four deputy prime ministers under him but all except Abdullah Badawi were made to exile in much disputed and controversial way. Though Abdullah Badawi was made as a Prime Minister to succeed the retired Dr Mahatir, he soon was to resign under constant criticisms and attacks from the person, Dr. Mahathir, who named him as Prime Minister.

This time, Datuk Seri Najib faces the same scenario as that of Tun Haji Abddullah Badwai. Let’s make us presumption if Datuk Seri Najib were to resign, do you think the next prime minister can sit comfortably for years? Surely not, it is because what Tun Dr Mahathir wants is the candidate of his own duplicate. He just can’t accept any deviation of him. There are two impending by-elections, Permatang Pauh and Rompin. UMNO may not be able to win in Permatang Pauh but there is a high possibility of winning in Rompin. To help UMNO restore lost pride and enhance the confidence on BN, Tun Dr Mahathir can offer himself as a candidate in Rompin by-election. If he wins and as he is still not senile as claimed by him, he can play an active in UMNO as an elected MP or maybe as a Prime Minister again if there is a wish of majority of UMNO members.

Tun Dr Mahathir can even teach members of UMNO what bravery and courage are by offering himself as the candidate of Permatang Pauh. After all he is not senile and UMNO members need his encouragement.

