2016年12月7日 星期三

Let the readers be the judges.

Since the unexpected win by the then Pakatan Rakyat in Penang in 2008 that enabled DAP to form the state government, the erosion of the confidence on freedom of expression and speech has been noticeable and prominent . Journalists were barred for admission of the coverage of news, condemnations and attacks were hurled against journalists and legal actions taken against the press by the state authorities. These incidents are not uncommon nowadays, and the number of the cases has alarmingly surpassed the figures of the previous BN government. Ironically, the scenario is contradictory to what had been preached by the Pakatan Rakyat for freedom of press and speech. The suppression of freedom of press has become perennial and also uncomfortable to those working in journalism.

One would ponder the actions of the state government. Are the journalists going to tailor the news coverage for fear of condemnations or legal actions? Are the journalists only to write the favor to those in power? Are reporting half a truth is an act of professionalism ? Or are the journalists going to tailor the news coverage for fear of condemnations or legal action?

Of course, the motive of legal action to seek an ultimate truth but the reciprocal action would be easily and directly interpreted as all the readers are stupid fools who are not mature and do not have an analytical mind to differentiate between the truth and fallacy. The truth would not become false and the falseness would not last if the basic ingredients of transparency and honesty are intact. The journalists should be allowed to report freely without any undue interference and intimidations. The readers are the judges and the sales volume of the circulation are the best barometer of the trustworthiness of the reporting.

