2016年12月20日 星期二





2016年12月18日 星期日

Create working opportunities for our senior citizens

It is undeniable that Malaysian population is aging and many social problems will definitely crop up if no corrective or cushion-like measures are being taken.

As the minimum retirement age for most private-sector workers in our country is set at age 60 under the Minimum Retirement Age Act 2012 and also life expectancy of our population is expected to increase from 72.6 years (men) and 77.5 years (women) to 74.2 years and 79.1 years, respectively, the degree of increasing dependency of the aging population is inevitable.

It is also a known fact that only about 20% of our Malaysian EPF members can sustain themselves during retirement. So we can now foresee the problems. The survival of other 80% is uncertain. Some of them may have the support of their family but what about the rest or those unfortunate.

At the age 60 and retired, the majority of these are still healthy and physical fit to work. We have millions of foreign labour working in our country and some of these labour can be replaced by our retired people. If you are visiting foreign countries, you can notice that most of the cleaning work at the airports are done by the senior people of the said countries. Additionally, old people are working in shopping malls and business centres as cleaners too. Air-port is an area of security, by recruiting our senior citizens as cleaners are surely an added security. Both shopping malls and business centres are safe places for senior citizen and healthy and old people to work.

2016年12月12日 星期一



不管是外语或华语的谚语是没有所谓的“政治上没有永远的朋友与敌人,只有永远不变的原则”。它原本是出于19 世紀的英國首相巴麥尊(Lord Palmerston)的名言。对于当年英国面对西方和苏联的政治环境,已故英國首相巴麥尊说:“[英國沒有永遠的朋友,也沒有永遠的敵人,只有永遠的利益 .” 此谚语经过多次修改以符合某些人的立场和利益后,如今已有数个范本了,而我们的林首长把“永远的利益”改为“永远的原则”来迎合选民和支持者的政治口味。


在“没有原则就是原则”的前提,为了党和个人的利益,忘了人民在敦马时代的苦和难,没要求敦马的所作所为向人民道歉,行动党贸然与敦马和其领导的土著团结党结盟来对抗巫统为首的国阵,这很明显的行动党已接受敦马时代的苛政。合作需有原则,原则必有底线;没有“坦诚相对,忏悔过失,誓不重犯”的底线,我们只看双方的到政治利益的挂钩,彼此相互的漂泊,“救国救民”始终还是理念,选民市场的最爱产品。我们还是被销费了。 我国已独立近六十年,国家需有经济成长性,政治稳定性。但我国目前的政治还是处在小孩玩泥沙不成熟的阶段;今天我跟你好不跟他好,明天不跟你和他好,后天又跟你不好跟着他好!老师烦,父母煩,周围的人更烦。我国的政治就是被这些“没有原则就是原则”的玩泥沙式的政客弄烦弄乱而拖累了经济。

2016年12月7日 星期三

Let the readers be the judges.

Since the unexpected win by the then Pakatan Rakyat in Penang in 2008 that enabled DAP to form the state government, the erosion of the confidence on freedom of expression and speech has been noticeable and prominent . Journalists were barred for admission of the coverage of news, condemnations and attacks were hurled against journalists and legal actions taken against the press by the state authorities. These incidents are not uncommon nowadays, and the number of the cases has alarmingly surpassed the figures of the previous BN government. Ironically, the scenario is contradictory to what had been preached by the Pakatan Rakyat for freedom of press and speech. The suppression of freedom of press has become perennial and also uncomfortable to those working in journalism.

One would ponder the actions of the state government. Are the journalists going to tailor the news coverage for fear of condemnations or legal actions? Are the journalists only to write the favor to those in power? Are reporting half a truth is an act of professionalism ? Or are the journalists going to tailor the news coverage for fear of condemnations or legal action?

Of course, the motive of legal action to seek an ultimate truth but the reciprocal action would be easily and directly interpreted as all the readers are stupid fools who are not mature and do not have an analytical mind to differentiate between the truth and fallacy. The truth would not become false and the falseness would not last if the basic ingredients of transparency and honesty are intact. The journalists should be allowed to report freely without any undue interference and intimidations. The readers are the judges and the sales volume of the circulation are the best barometer of the trustworthiness of the reporting.

2016年12月4日 星期日


以行动党为首的槟州政府又采取诉告行动对付报章。 “又”的直接的意思是自从民联政府执政槟州后,摈州政府对新闻从业员的打压行动如诉告,对骂欺凌,抵制等从不手软,而是司空见惯了。对新闻从业员的诉告行动的次数与我国其他的部长相比,槟州首长林冠英可说是独占鳌头,告人次数是个记录。

