2016年11月7日 星期一

Need and Dare 的用法

有人问我“Need”和“ Dare” 怎样用?他举了两个例了问我那个句子是对的!

1. She need go to see doctor

2. He dare fight with the guy taller and bigger than him.

一般上,在现在时文法(Simple Present Tense)因为she 和he是单数,句子是应该是

1. She needs go to see doctor.

2. He dares fight with the guy taller and bigger than him.

但许多人没有料到“Need”和“ Dare”是半模态动词(Semi modal verbs);意思就是它们可当动词也可当模态动词。在英语,所谓的模态动词( Modal verbs)就是can, may, must, shall, will 等等。动词跟随着模态动词( Modal verbs)之后是不定式动词( Infinitive). 意思就是动词的基本形式(the basic form of a verb). 如 can walk, may go, shall come, will play.

所以1. She need go to see doctor 和 He dare fight with the guy taller and bigger than him 是对的因为在这句子里,“Need”和“ Dare”是扮演着半模态动词(Semi modal verbs). 反而,She needs go to see doctor 和He dares fight with the guy taller and bigger than him 不对. 除非,你把“Need”和“ Dare”当着动词来用。

如你要把把“Need”和“ Dare”当着动词来用,那么,这两段句子就是

1. She needs to go to see doctor

2. He dares to fight with the guy taller and bigger than him.

