2016年11月8日 星期二

Avoid + Gerund 的 语法

除了mind 的 接着的文字必须是动名词 (gerund), avoid 和 mind 也是一样 必须是动名词 (gerund)。何谓动名词 (gerund)?动名词是从动词(VERB)以ing 结尾而变名词来运用!

如: drinking, singing, jumping, coming, going, talking 等等。

以下是 mind 和gerund 的句子

1. I don’t mind seeing you again next week.

2. Do you mind helping me to solve my financial problem?

3. Peter doesn’t mind waiting till you finish your work.

4. I think she does not mind talking with him again.

以下是 avoid 和 gerund 的句子

1. Please try avoid commenting unnecessarily.

2. He has tried to avoid meeting her since last month.

3. Someone tried to avoid entering the main gate which was guided,

4. Do you think you can avoid paying this bill ?

