2016年7月10日 星期日

When patriotism becomes missing!

To many Malaysians who have keen concerns on the national security and welfare of people, it is undisputable that the role and existence of our opposition political parties in recent years have become questionable and disillusioned. Noticeably, their reciprocal actions on the attacks by foreign elements in our country have casted much doubts and discounted confidence.

Our opposition parties have been campaigning freedom, fairness and rights of the rakyat and also fighting for welfare for the people. The fundamental bases of freedom, enjoyment of rights and welfare of people depend much on the stability and security of our country. However, when there was a so-called bomb explosion initiated by foreign elements in Puchong and also the intrusion of Lahad Datu, Sabah by Suluks , the actions exhibited by our opposition have been disgusting. Their actions clearly not only show the total lack of patriotism but also demonstration of irresponsible parliamentarians. Instead of calling for unity of our people to fight against the intruders and terrorism, these elected law-makers tried to make mockery of our security.

There have been street demonstrations organized by the unscrupulous politicians to protest against the ruling party for the so-called unfairness and curbed freedom of an individual politician and also corruption charges against the opposition, however, when the foreign elements openly declared attack on the integrity and dignity of our country, our opposition acted dumbly and blindly without any organized protest that would help to show our solidarity against those who threatened the security of our country. As shown in the past, organizing demonstration by the oppositions should not be a problem. Generally, most of the people just wonder when the street demonstration is strongly needed against the foreign elements, no such assembly is being organized. The simple conclusion may be that individualism has prevailed over patriotism and our people have now become divided to the ease of foreign threats.

