2016年4月7日 星期四

RM42 billions ? Finally the truth surfaced.

As the saying goes “ If a Lie is repeated thousands of time, it would finally become true to those who believe what they hear without waiting patiently for the findings .”

Before the tabling of report on IMDB by Public Accounts Committee ( PAC ) which also included 5 members of Opposition with one of them as its deputy , there have been many accusations and allegations against the Prime Minister, Datuk Seri Najib Razak on the misappropriation of billions of ringgits. Now it is clear that the so-called loss of RM42 billion is unfounded. Again, the report on 1MDB had not directly or indirectly quoted any active involvements of the important and controversial decision making by Datuk Seri Najib Razak who was only acting as a Board Adviser.

Let us read what was said by the Deputy Chairman of the PAC , Dr Tan Seng Glaw, who was also the opposition member of Parliament of Kepong from Democratic Action Party (DAP). Dr Tan said : “ There was no evidence that he ( Datuk Seri Najib ) was involved, as his name only appeared in the board of advisers. Let’s look at the people who are directly involved and find out what actually went wrong. How can you take action against those who have done nothing. ”

The report had, therefore, absolved and vindicated Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak of any criminal doing. But it would never deter any attempts by those irresponsible and unscrupulous politicians shift their goal-posts again to find the new targets to continue attack and discredit Datuk Seri Najib Razak with new accusation. After gaining independence for more than 50 years old, there are still some Malaysians resort to undemocratic ways to dispose the rightly and democratically elected government by signature campaigns, street demonstrations and so on.

Undoubtedly, a new accusation and allegation would be created to attack Datuk Seri Najib Razak. Now, the shift is from RM42 billion to RM50 billion. The self-created story and lies will never end as far as there are people who like to listen.....

