2024年12月5日 星期四



孩子在七岁就上学读书!但在同一年出生的,不管是正月,还是十二月出生的,都是编排为一年生。这可就是对学生们彼此间对比的成绩或比赛有所差异的导因。无论是正月出生的,或是十一,十二月出生的都是一年生,但实际上彼此是相差一年,试问彼此间的思维,领悟力甚至体力可有差别?让他们来了比赛,谁会占优势? 学生们彼此间的领悟力与记忆力肯定有差别,这可是导致他们的成绩有差异。当孩子的成绩比人差时,父母了解和确定对比人的背景和出生月呢后,才对孩子指指点点?孩子成绩差,为他们找补习老师是没错的!但有否对孩子的成绩分析,对症下药后才找呢?



考试成绩与本身的努力有直接的关系。若考生在考试中,得到F的评估,不及格。有否知道F是代表什么意思?是的F是指FAIL; F 就是不及格!AIL 又是代表什么呢?AIL 就是 Am I Lazy? 的简略词。问问自己本身有否懒惰?

2024年11月20日 星期三






我投入教育领域近四十年,偶尔会与学生们分享我读书的故事以激发学生。其实,学校,学府考试的过程中似乎是千遍一律的,小学是记忆力考试,中学是记忆力,理解, 云用考试,大学是云用,培训理悟等。无论如何,记忆力是重要的因素。有人问我考试是否有压力!我是没任何压力因为我的目标不是名例前茅;而是另一个能自我提升的动力目标!那就是“今天的我,学习能力会比昨天好,明天的我,学习能力会比今天强!”。这就是我的循序渐进就是动力;以他人为目标,除了需衡量自己的能力,也要了解目标人物的实际情况!

2024年11月4日 星期一

Felling of trees......the only Way??????

It is a common practice for our local authorities to fell a tree by the roadside if the tree poses danger or obstacle to road-users. Other then, felling trees is there any other way ?A tree takes years for its growth to maturity but felling just takes a few hours. What a waste and negative impetus in our effort to preserve nature! Can the work of felling belittle the roles of environmentalists in their effort for conservation and preservation of existing greenish nature which has become the victim of development. Does the act of felling sarcastically and indirectly point to the signage wordings with “ Green, greener future “? Is a tree an obstacle or a its falling poses danger to road-users, incidentally it is arguable the act of felling. One would wonder other than felling of trees, is there other method to preserve the trees along the roads especially those trees in the public parks.

I had seen trees were being coiled and reinforced with fencing and bars to prevent it felling in some countries and this act of protection really transmits and carries the strong message waking up on love on greenish environment. Have our local authorizes any plans to adopt and follow this method of protecting trees?

While I was travelling on some roads in Penang, I noticed that some trees by the roadsides had been tagged and circled with red white PE barrier tapes. Obviously, these trees are awaiting the fate to be felled. Deforestation and reclamation of land from sea are on-going process for development and it seems that the green-greener future is only slogan for publicity and not concrete practice stopping destructive action. Our future for better environment is in dilemma. Refrain and restrain from the act of felling may help, to some extend, to preserve nature and environmental awareness.

2024年5月24日 星期五







2024年4月23日 星期二

What the haste to put it through !!!

Undeniably, though Service tax on repair and maintenance has been enforced more than a month, its implementation is still the subject of criticism and comprehensiveness among affected groups. The haste move by the government to impose Service Tax on almost all types of maintenance and repair clearly demonstrated its lack of empathy and the required process to complete the necessary procedures on its finalization on procurement of contracts on repair and maintenance by all the affected. The announcement was a surprise as quoted by the press as the authority presumed all affected were ready and easily adhered to its rulings but in reality it was not only a surprise but shock as it was a haste. As it happened, numerous queries including the questions posed by the attendees in the Q&A session but viewed as provocative by the officer-in attendance during the talk on new implementation of SST on repairs and maintenance organized by Customs Office, Prai last March 24 proved the confusion and disillusionment existed among most of the attendees.

Repair and maintenance including calibration, testing, corrective measures, fault finding and rectification are totally different from procurement of materials in manufacturing sectors where the date for completion of production is predictable. In practice, ample notification for the work on commencement of service and repair is needed and crucial as preparatory ground work such as arrangement on the date for site-visit by supervising consultants, and renting and installing of testing equipment etc are time consuming. To prevent any misunderstanding between the service providers and the clients, Purchase Order or (PO) will only be issued upon completion of fault finding of which its duration for the testing and fault finding is unpredictable. To avoid pricing problems and any controversy, PO will normally be issued when all faults and work are defined and finalized. What a coincidence and also a bemusement with the sudden announcement of implementation of SST! When the findings completed and PO just issued to the service providers in February 24, immediately a revised pricing was needed for the inclusion of SST for the work to commence in latest month! How to resonate the SST in the price negotiation with the clients? Yes, it may be easy to quote the enforcement of SST by the authority but will the unexpectedness help to erode the confidence on the service providers?

Additionally, there were some repair works which had started prior to the imposition of SST but stretched beyond March 24 when its price had been mutually finalized and agreed. Surely the affected clients would not agree for the extra payment on the revised price to include SST. Of course, the Customs Office can instruct the service providers to include SST in the billings. The instruction looks simple and it only works for local companies but not for all foreign companies. For an example, for signed and endorsed contracts for provision of long term services maintenance and rent of equipment, invoices and supporting documents will have to submitted online with the agreed pricings . Any discrepancies will be automatically rejected and for further negotiations on alterations and amendments on price difference are seldom entertained.

The economic and financial market are full of challenges and volatile, however, the authority may help to tranquilize the trend with less “ surprise “ move. Other than pragmatics in the implementation of rules and orders, empathy should be taken into consideration too.

2024年3月12日 星期二


农历新年期间,槟城极乐寺每晚都以发光二极管LED大放光明迎接新春供民欣赏。 这灯会自1983年开始,至今不曾中断。 在璀璨灯火中,浓浓的新年气氛下,应是到访槟城游玩者的必逛灯会!





2024年3月4日 星期一


前旅游促进局总监拿督阿玛尔坚遭到降职至副总监之事,肯定犹如带刺的鲜花,好看但有点扎手。好看是因为公务员表现不达标,遭降职或调职是公众人士要看的好事,扎手是因为至目前还没听到和读到来至希盟的朋党的声援或不一样的见解!是明哲保身吗? 但很欣慰的这降职之事受到了首相安华的高度评价。首相安华表示,尽管张庆信的工作方式可能被误解为“凶”,但他的决策旨在确保公务员的最佳工作绩效。


不久前,在对华人农历新年的贺词中,某政府机构图文并茂以月饼来向华人拜年。月饼是中秋节的礼品,供品与华人农历新年不扯上关系,这月饼图就引起了负面反弹。在恶评中,该政府机构立马换上《无月饼图》的贺词向华社祝贺!原本以为这错误的就告一段落,但由某华裔掌管的政府部,趁着农历新年的开放日,就以月饼重点出击来招待上门的祝贺者!不知该华裔部长的用意是什么?是转达食物没有季节之分? 还是包容是美德?也许,在未来的农历新年,粽子也是可品尝食物之一!

也在不久前,某华裔部长的官车有一段路途违规地紧随救护车的后端。此事见报后,该部长的回应是:“他会配合调查,一旦证实犯错,将会代司机缴付罚款!”。这部长在转达什么信息?包容?雇主是员工的保护伞?员工做错由雇主挡?这也难怪,当这部长来槟吃饭时,其部下会封锁整条街道,会推拉那些早已泊好在街边的车辆让出更大的空间,让这部长与其官员能无障碍上餐馆用餐!部下能毫无顾虑的拉车,那是不是因为有上司的照顾? 无论任何,公务员的表现不达标之事,让我们看到来自东马与西马各部长有各不同的对待和处分