2017年11月28日 星期二
2017年11月26日 星期日
真得是猫哭耗子假慈悲,很会演戏!2017年11月21日 星期二
也许,有人问相信宗教者也是把希望和未来寄托在神明佛陀上帝的身上吗?我们也是一样把希望和未来寄托在人民代议士!是的,没错!但是人民代议士的宣言与承诺会跟着时间而变,是对人不对事,它会因事态转变而失真!宗教理念是经得起考验。世尊的话,佛经上所讲经过约2500 年后的今天还是抱朴含真,经得起考验啊!简单来说,这是承诺和教诲的对比! 虽然说宗教超越政治,但身为一名佛教徒因为关心政治,我们还是要出来投票选出人民代议士。在投票时,我们就需有判断的能力和冷静的头脑我们只关心政治,不谈政治!
如果悉达多太子通过政治体系来改善人民的生活,他的眼光是短视的,他的普渡的目标不是众生而只是一个小小的迦毗罗卫国的人民!政治体系有着国家疆界的限制,反而传达理念是无边境的界限!政治过程是权力斗争和欺诈运作,强存弱灭,没有真理只有霸权的酿造。2017年11月19日 星期日
Why Penang football failed miserably
If you read the news about what Datuk Shukor Salleh' s comments on Penang Football in New Straits Times ( Translation from Berita Harian ) you would have a clear picture on Penang football team performed badly and ended up last in the league
Below are the extracts from News Straits Times
Penang’s sad decline until they were relegated to the Premier League after only two season’s in the Super League is said to be caused by the management because they are ‘too smart’.
Penang’s former player and coach, Datuk Shukor Salleh said such a scenario has happened because the team is managed by those who do not know much about football but act as if they know more compared to experts.
“I am actually fed up of commenting about Penang because I am just so disappointed. As one who is born and bred in the state who ended up playing and coaching the team, I am also ashamed of what has happened.
“The team should not have been relegated to the Premier League because financially they are fully supported by the state government. I have been made to understand that the team are given a grant of RM34.5 million.
“With a grant as much as that, they should be able to get good players to bolster the team. But what has happened is they wasted money engaging foreign players who were lacking in quality.
“What made things worse is they also hired a lousy coach in Ashley Westwood. When Zainal (Abidin Hassan) took over, by that time it was already too late.
“All this has happened because the FA of Penang (FAP) do not have a background in football but act smarter than the experts,” said the national footballing legend.
Apart from engaging Westwood’s services, the Panthers also brought on board foreign players in the form of Reinaldo Lobo (Brazil), Diogo Ferreira (Australia), Andy Russell (Hong Kong) and Nigel Dabingyaba (Papua New Guinea). Lobo, Ferreira and Russell were then replaced by Brandon McDonald, Mark Hartmann and Sanna Nyassi during the transfer window in the middle of the season.
However the move failed to change Penang’s fortunes who finished the season bottom of the Super League table with only 12 points from 22 matches which resulted in them being relegated to the Premier League.
Shukor also chided the FAP’s lackadaisical attitude in forming a team for the coming new season.
It shows as they still have not appointed a new president after Zairil Khir Johari resigned on October 9.
“How are they going to move forward if they don’t even have a president? While other teams are busy making preparations for next season, Penang are still in ‘slumber’ as though nothing is happening nor going on.
“If this is the case, it is not impossible for them to drop down even further to the FAM Cup like before,” said Shukor referring to the team’s past history of playing in the third tier in 2012 and 2013.
By Rodly Fadly - November 16, 2017 @ 8:33pm
Translated from Berita Harian
2017年11月16日 星期四
2017年11月15日 星期三
Shifting the blame
Penang Government is now trying to redirect the focus of the people on her continuous and devastating pace of deforestation that caused catastrophic flood to the alarm system of meteorological expertise.
It is undeniable that natural disaster cannot be avoided but if it can be minimized or reduced to certain degrees if Penang Government is environmental friendly.
The pace of leveling and deforestation in the hilly areas have been accelerated with unbelievable speed and haste when the DAP formed the government. Landslides, floods, rain stagnation are now a common scenario. Those areas formerly not flooded are now also being effected and the colour of flooding water has changed to yellow muddy.
But DAP led government continued denying the flood was the result of hilly development. They started to attack the Federal Government of the untimely and inaccurate weather forecast. They said they would seek the expertise of meteorological authorities from other countries to help it develop a comprehensive early weather warning system. By this statement, it would also mean that more floods are coming to Penang if hilly developments are not going to stop.
2017年11月14日 星期二
我希望槟州子民往后不再受天灾之苦,求上天保佑我们远离灾难!2017年11月13日 星期一
政客说的话不可当真,只可当着笑话来看待!2017年11月10日 星期五
2017年11月9日 星期四
hypocrisy of Malaysia opposition
The Philippine president Rodrigo Duterte (pic) said he had ordered the police to kill his son, Davao City Vice-Mayor Paolo Duterte, if they should catch him being involved in the illegal drug trade.
"My order was: If there's any of my children into drugs, kill them, so the people can't say anything against me," Duterte said during a speech to government workers and groups in Malacañang.
He said he had told his son about his orders to the police: "'My orders (are) to kill you if you are caught and I will protect the police who kill you."
Duterte's order to the police came following allegations of Senator Antonio Trillanes IV that his oldest son was a member of the Chinese drug triad.
"The better. So that I can say to people: There, you keep talking. There's my son's corpse," said Duterte. Salute to the President, Rodrigo Duterte.
This is what the general perception by any man in the street towards national leaders of any countries. The general public not only expect national leaders to be honest but also with unquestionable integrity.
However, this is not the practice in Malaysia especially for this to be applied on leaders of opposition political parties.
In Malaysia, when a leader in the ruling parties commits a crime or faces a corruption charge and is charged in courts, he or she will be asked to resign from his or her ministerial post by the opposition but when an opposition leader is charged on the similar offence, he or she will not be asked to resign or resign voluntarily. The said opposition leader charged in court can still go around the country talking about “ honesty”, “ anti-corruption”, “ save the nation”. What the mockery of personal integrity.
This is the political scenario in Malaysia.
The double standard practice is obvious but people just choose to ignore and keep on supporting these hypocrite parties.2017年11月8日 星期三
A cart before a horse or otherwise
Now the Pakatan Harapan seemed to attack the Federal government on the recent flood in Penang. They blamed everything but themselves for the recent flood.
With DAP led government in Penang, there have been massive deforestation, excessive hilly development which is the catchment area. They spent millions on sports but not on flood mitigation. Where is the priority ?
The debating game on “ putting a horse in front of a cart or a cart before a horse “ started.
Some pictures on flood effected area.
Ironically, in the recent flood, the schools in Air Itam had never experienced flood before Pakatan Harapan came into power but not for this time.
2017年11月6日 星期一
2017年11月5日 星期日
频密的水灾的导因乃是槟州政府治水无能和开山劈地填海砍伐树木的破坏环境的举动,令槟城“前朝所未有”的大水灾周而复始地困扰人民。当日的豪雨导致丹绒武雅Persiaran Tanjung Bungah 3于今年初刚完工的山边三层豪宅计划新建道路下的防崩墙裂开和道路严重下陷。十月二十一日在同样地方也就是丹绒武雅附近的建筑工地发生土崩事故,导致11人惨遭活埋包括1名本地华裔和10名外籍建筑工。
很明显的连续的土崩事故是与丹绒武雅的土质有关。从画面看出,该地方是属于泥土性非山岩性。丹绒武雅是槟州升旗山山脉之附属地区;升旗山因其泥土性质成了集水区( Catchman Area);阿依淡水坝也就因此而建在升旗山山上!
泥土性地是软质不能建太高的硬体物。有些国家的硬体建筑物是建于高山地带,那是因为这些国家的山地是山岩性的啊!2017年11月2日 星期四
going to school? 还是 going to the school?
“I am going to the hospital。”和“ I am going to hospital。”这两句中的 hospital 和 the hospital 有什么不同的意思?
若从英国式英语British English (BC)来看,这两句有轻微的差异。在英语中 the 是冠词,它是用于特定名词。Hospital 是指 医院,the hospital是指那间医院。医院是看病的地方,如果你说:“I am going to hospital。”你肯定是去看病或看医生或拜访病人。
如你说:“ I am going to the hospital。”这the hospital 是指那所医院;意思可能不是去看病或看医生或拜访病人,有可能你是去那边进行修理工作或其他的事情。
同样的,he is going to school 和he is going to the school 的演译也是与上面一样。
但是如果以美式英语American English, 美国人是用“I am going to the hospital。”和“he is going to the school 。”the 是少不了的!