2016年9月27日 星期二

Promotion of our unique cultures

It was reported that with the target of attracting 30.5 million foreign tourists to our country this year, The Tourism and Culture Ministry through its Citrawarna@kuala Lumpur would centre its promotion on Malaysian myths and legends. This proactive move is in fact a positive and encouraging sign towards our tourism industry by the said Ministry.

Undeniably, tourism industry has become more competitive and challenging and without any new product or tourist spots, our country will soon lapse behind. Shopping, Towering buildings, lodging or accommodation are too common for tourist attraction. To be able to attract more tourists and sustain in the competitive tourism, unique is the key word. Other than the said myths and legends to be promoted by the Tourism and Culture Ministry, we still have some other unique cultures which are yet to be promoted. For examples, our traditional costumes of various races especially the costumes of Malay warriors or wedding ceremony are worth to be introduced and promoted. In some countries like China and Japan, it is not uncommon to see the promotion of their traditional costumes in tourist sports. Tourists are charged for renting of those costumes for photo-shooting. Wearing of the costumes like Kimono or dresses of the emperor or empress while visiting these countries may be more meaningful to some tourists. However, there are hardly any centres in the tourist spots for renting of these costumes.

I have been to Vietnam on few occasions. Surprising, my tour packages included visits to a remote farm where I witnessed how rice papers were made, how coconut products were being made and listening to Vietnam folks songs while enjoying tasting the local fruits. Perhaps, our tourism promoters can have an idea of how to popularize our local products such as belacan and gula Melaka to tourists.

