2016年9月18日 星期日

An analytical mind is needed while reading

Our country just concluded its celebration of Independence and is on its path of 60th Merdeka Day next year. Sixty year is time of maturity and also the time to reminisce our advancement and progress. There have been much remarkable feats and also obvious signs of independence, self reliance with respectable maturity in finance, industries and agriculture.

However, in politics there is an alarming signs that our country is on the path towards degeneration and inclination of foreign influence. With the change in political scenario in our countries since the exit of the former Deputy Prime Minister, Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim from the ruling party UMNO in 1998 and the emergence of opposition front, there have been plans of invitation of foreign intervention in our politics especially through foreign journalism. It would be a mockery of our independence which we have been celebrating. Ironically, those irresponsible politicians keep on misleadingly and repeatedly question the economic progress of our country. Do they really realize that every one play his or her contributing role in the economic growth ? Are their street demonstrations or dissemination of false information meant sabotage or otherwise?

After 60 years of independence, it is disheartening to note that many politicians and parliamentarians have not become reliable and responsible. Through their actions and speech, they have been propagating the creditability and trustworthiness of foreign press and the perception on the correctness and accuracy of the local press is thus in doubt and suspicion. If this trend is to continue, our journalism would be another area towards foreign penetration of non-independence in the era of information. With the so-called penetration through information, our mindset would be influenced and changed if there is a lack of analytical mind from our people as the reliability of the news transmission is sometimes in question.

Just to quote one of the recent news publications on the coverage of 2016 G20 Hangzhou Summit by the foreign press to prove the questionable reliability of their reporting. There were wide publications by New York Times, US Fox News, British Guardian and also US Defense Intelligence Agency on the cold shouldered welcome given to President Barack Obama when the Air Force 1 landed at the airport. They reported that President Barack Obama was not given the red-carpet welcome when the President descended from the Air Force 1. US Fox News wrote in its head line “ Barack Obama deliberately snubbed by the Chinese. However, this was proved totally wrong the next day. The actual fact was that because of the communication problem, the US authorities had requested their President to alight from the back exit of the plane. The issue was that only main exit was red carpeted and not the back exit. So you can see, how the American press played up the issue to mislead and instigate.

With independence of near 60 years. influence of mindset and thought through foreign mass media and journalism should be eliminated and avoided. The reasons are simple our cultures and social structure are totally different from those countries.

