2016年9月29日 星期四


年轻人毕业后,对未来有着美丽的梦,内心对社会是充满信心和希望。但踏入社会两三年后,找工作却处处碰壁,要不然就是找到一份很不理想的工作,或在工作的岗位受到不平的待遇等等!在救助无门下,这雄心勃勃,志在四方的年轻人可能会投身于政治领域,为本身受经历的不平和种种的不公而奋斗来个拨乱反正。 政治领域推出的概念产品如“自由,民主,平等,公正”正合这些失意份子的心意因为在他们的心底下,惟有通过政治才能改变他们的不平遭遇!但很不幸的是,我国的年轻人在求学时代对政治缺少认知也不了解我国政治人物的背景和意识形态!年轻一代缺少政治的分析能力是我国迈向先进国的障碍!在毫无充分理解我国一些政治人物的以往所作所为,这些愤怒青年被政客利用来满足他们的私欲了!



2016年9月27日 星期二

Promotion of our unique cultures

It was reported that with the target of attracting 30.5 million foreign tourists to our country this year, The Tourism and Culture Ministry through its Citrawarna@kuala Lumpur would centre its promotion on Malaysian myths and legends. This proactive move is in fact a positive and encouraging sign towards our tourism industry by the said Ministry.

Undeniably, tourism industry has become more competitive and challenging and without any new product or tourist spots, our country will soon lapse behind. Shopping, Towering buildings, lodging or accommodation are too common for tourist attraction. To be able to attract more tourists and sustain in the competitive tourism, unique is the key word. Other than the said myths and legends to be promoted by the Tourism and Culture Ministry, we still have some other unique cultures which are yet to be promoted. For examples, our traditional costumes of various races especially the costumes of Malay warriors or wedding ceremony are worth to be introduced and promoted. In some countries like China and Japan, it is not uncommon to see the promotion of their traditional costumes in tourist sports. Tourists are charged for renting of those costumes for photo-shooting. Wearing of the costumes like Kimono or dresses of the emperor or empress while visiting these countries may be more meaningful to some tourists. However, there are hardly any centres in the tourist spots for renting of these costumes.

I have been to Vietnam on few occasions. Surprising, my tour packages included visits to a remote farm where I witnessed how rice papers were made, how coconut products were being made and listening to Vietnam folks songs while enjoying tasting the local fruits. Perhaps, our tourism promoters can have an idea of how to popularize our local products such as belacan and gula Melaka to tourists.

2016年9月21日 星期三





全国华社很想知道为何行动党能抛开与前首相马哈迪的世仇怨恨合作,却不能为华社的权益与其他的华基政党如马华,民政合作? 行动党与马哈迪的握手拥抱等于是认同马哈迪在位时对华社执行种种不利的政策。


2016年9月18日 星期日

An analytical mind is needed while reading

Our country just concluded its celebration of Independence and is on its path of 60th Merdeka Day next year. Sixty year is time of maturity and also the time to reminisce our advancement and progress. There have been much remarkable feats and also obvious signs of independence, self reliance with respectable maturity in finance, industries and agriculture.

However, in politics there is an alarming signs that our country is on the path towards degeneration and inclination of foreign influence. With the change in political scenario in our countries since the exit of the former Deputy Prime Minister, Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim from the ruling party UMNO in 1998 and the emergence of opposition front, there have been plans of invitation of foreign intervention in our politics especially through foreign journalism. It would be a mockery of our independence which we have been celebrating. Ironically, those irresponsible politicians keep on misleadingly and repeatedly question the economic progress of our country. Do they really realize that every one play his or her contributing role in the economic growth ? Are their street demonstrations or dissemination of false information meant sabotage or otherwise?

After 60 years of independence, it is disheartening to note that many politicians and parliamentarians have not become reliable and responsible. Through their actions and speech, they have been propagating the creditability and trustworthiness of foreign press and the perception on the correctness and accuracy of the local press is thus in doubt and suspicion. If this trend is to continue, our journalism would be another area towards foreign penetration of non-independence in the era of information. With the so-called penetration through information, our mindset would be influenced and changed if there is a lack of analytical mind from our people as the reliability of the news transmission is sometimes in question.

Just to quote one of the recent news publications on the coverage of 2016 G20 Hangzhou Summit by the foreign press to prove the questionable reliability of their reporting. There were wide publications by New York Times, US Fox News, British Guardian and also US Defense Intelligence Agency on the cold shouldered welcome given to President Barack Obama when the Air Force 1 landed at the airport. They reported that President Barack Obama was not given the red-carpet welcome when the President descended from the Air Force 1. US Fox News wrote in its head line “ Barack Obama deliberately snubbed by the Chinese. However, this was proved totally wrong the next day. The actual fact was that because of the communication problem, the US authorities had requested their President to alight from the back exit of the plane. The issue was that only main exit was red carpeted and not the back exit. So you can see, how the American press played up the issue to mislead and instigate.

With independence of near 60 years. influence of mindset and thought through foreign mass media and journalism should be eliminated and avoided. The reasons are simple our cultures and social structure are totally different from those countries.

2016年9月15日 星期四

Pribumi....formation for what purpose?

Another political party in Malaysia is formed. It is called Pribumi. This Pribumi is basically Malay based as its membership is only open to Malay race or Bumiputera only.

So with emergence of Pribumi as an additional opposition party in Malaysian politics, the political scenario in Malaysia must be quite lively and noisy. But to many people, the entry of Pribumi into opposition front would not be lively but messy. As presently, in opposition front, there are PKR, DAP, PAN and PAS and very soon it was widely circulated that there would be yet another political party to be set up in Sabah by the former Vice-president of UMNO DS Mohd Shafie Apdal. It would be named as Gerakan Parti Tempatan Sabahan. As its name indicated, it was Sabah based and for Sabahan only.

Pribumi was formed by the former Prime Minister, Dr Mahathir . The main objective of the formation of Pribumi by Dr Mahathir was to oust the present Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak after the former had failed several attempts to dethrone the latter. Therefore, with this clear direction, the motto of fairness and freedom long desired by the rakyat are totally out of its manifesto, as the main objective is to seek for personal revenge and retaliation and not for national or people interests.

As the GE 14 is predicted to be held within a year, a party with less than a year of formation, how many seats can Pribumi win? This is an interesting question. How many seats? Generally speaking, It is unlikely for Pribumi to win more than 50 seats to be a leader in the opposition front.

“Once a leader always a leader” is the motto of Dr Mahathir. He only gives orders and does not want to be led or directed and this was why Pribumi was formed. If Mahathir were to join other party, he were to follow and listen and this has not been his style. Hence, here enter the Pribumi into the Malaysia Political scene.

You know, if Mahathir and Muhyiddin Yassin want to be a leader in the opposition and to be very safe and doubly comfortable, Pribumi must win at least 50 parliamentary seats. Do you think Pribumi has the capability and ability to win this controllable number of 50. No, definitely not. Just another simple question. Do any party in the opposition want Pribumi to lead and command the opposition front with these 50 parliamentary seats? No. They are afraid Pribumi win more seats than theirs. Therefore, sabotage, internal bickering and fighting will be rampant among the opposition.

It is predicted that GE14 would be the fierce and keen-contested. Be it the ruling parties or the opposition, at the end of the day, there would not be any outright winner. The results will be close. The number of total parliamentary seats is 222. If both have the number of 111 or more or less equal or within the difference of 10 seats, and Pribumi has 10. What do you think the scenario ? It definitely does not need you to be a Mathematician, you can guess which party has a deciding force to choose who is the PM or otherwise. Of course, It is PRIBUMI. If this is to happen, do you can Najid Tun Razak become PM again? It is because PRIBUMI can decide which party be the ruling government, Mahathir has the deciding number by joining and strengthening the weaker side to help forming the government.

Therefore, with the Pribumi joining the contest in GE14 and Mahathir would like to see BN performs worst than before or the total seats won by BN is about 110 or less that is equivalent the insufficient 10 parliamentary seats won by Pribumi. The figure of 10 is more than enough to sit in the driver seat of opposition for Pribumi. It is Pribumi and Mahathir to decide who is the next Prime Minister.

So don’t underestimate the deciding role to be played by Pribumi.

2016年9月2日 星期五

强国民意识 vs 党性



独立后的今天,政治结构的改变是我国最大的瞩目点。2008 年的大选是我国政治的分水岭。我国反对党终于抛弃了成见,携手合作共同对抗老树盘根执政已久以巫统为首的国阵;让人们看到能制衡执政党的两线制的轮替时代的到来!但2008年后的今天,很不幸的,我们老百姓看到了一幕心酸又惨不忍睹的有势力与执政的国阵政府的所谓的可制衡反对党阵线的各怀鬼胎,勾心斗角的不和局面。这种的局面根本就不能让人民有信心来委托执政治国的任务!反对党的壮大和掌权后,就清算对手,政党轮替变成了政治报复;也许我国的未来的政治环境会陷入更混乱的状态吧!

反对党的壮大,国家意识的淡薄,党性思维高过国家思维,这就是我国目前最大的问题!2013年二月,大约200名自称“苏禄苏丹北婆罗洲皇家军”的武装分子在苏禄苏丹查玛鲁基兰的胞弟阿兹慕迪基兰 的带领下,潜入沙巴州东部扬言索回沙巴州东部的土地。有能力组织和发动大规模抗议示威的我国反对党没有任何的行动!2014年七月,我国马航MH17在乌克兰上空被导弹击落,我国反对党在真相未明前,大力谴责我国政府;但真相被披露后,却选择沉默没有任何的积极行动。伊斯兰恐怖份子在我国进行血腥血腥袭击,人民看不到反对党的号召其党员上街示。但对消费税的实行,某某政策的不满,我们却看到反对党精心策划的街头行动。显然的,这是我国建国60年的不幸!当党性强过国民意识时,处处搞针对,事事搞对抗试图破坏国家经济来达致党的利益忽视国家的利益甚至国家主权!