2020年7月20日 星期一

Wearing or hanging face masks ??

As there are positive signs of curbing the spread or Covid-19 in our country,  inclination to  complacency thus emerged among us.  Many people will tend to relax and neglect the rules and restrictions required in accordance to the SOP during the MCO after gradual relaxation by the authorities.   As can be seen from the outbreak of 2nd wave of the pandemic Covid-19 in other countries,  the disaster  is far from over.   We must be disciplined and vigilant in order to fight and win over these hidden disease surrounding us.
The statement  by our Prime Minister, Tan Sri Myhiyiddin Yasssin, that the Government was considering to make wearing face masks in public places mandatory is timing and apt.   Nevertheless,  the proper way of wearing face mask is a concern.  Many a time, we can see people not wearing  face masks but  hanging them on their faces.  Their face masks were seen covering their mouths and  or jaws  but not noses.  Were the so-called Covid-19 disease emitting from their noses into the air?     Were these considered as wearing masks ?   Were they posed any dangers to other people ? 
Additionally, since most of our people started to wear face masks for outings,  we can often see used face  masks scattering around.  This is another headache problem to be solved.   These used face masks obviously pose much dangers to our health than the normal garbage but they are just thrown away by those lack of civil-minded users.  The Anti-Litter Law can be seen to be enforced effectively to not only maintenance of cleanliness but also alleviation of spread of Covid-19 through the used mask.

