2018年2月27日 星期二





处在多元文化和种族的开放的我国,要保持华族文化不受污染,不受溶化或同化是个艰难的挑战。虽然挑战严峻,但凭着对文化的热诚和爱抚,在1998年陈徽崇和陈再藩共同創立以华人传统鼓艺加以充实创新步调的二十四节令鼓并在2009年成爲馬來西亞國家遺產項目。这是我国华族的光荣和荣誉。华人传统文化之一的舞狮也因馬來西亞雲頂娛樂城和雪隆龍獅聯合總會 自1994年至今持续聯合主辦每兩年舉行一次的世界獅王爭霸賽而得到世界各国的认知而名闻遐迩。

2018年2月26日 星期一



行动党指马华民政当家不当权因此我国华裔变了第二等公民,华人权益受到了蚕食,华教没有受到公平的待遇,华裔权益是每况愈下等等!无论马华民政当权者是否贪权恋栈 还是忍辱偷生,但一点可肯定的是若与巫统政治势力相比,这两党在政府组织中每时每刻都是处在人强我弱,“不由你话事”的敢怒不敢言的情况下。




2018年2月25日 星期日

when the words were misquoted

A team of policemen came and broke into a house of couple who were enjoying their dinner.

The couple, husband and wife, was astonished to see the arrival of the police. After seeking the explanation from the police, both police and couple were surprised and amused that the message sent by the husband to his friend was misquoted and misunderstood. Hours before, a close friend wanted to have a dinner with the husband but was turned down because he had arranged a dinner with his wife to celebrate their 30 years of marriage. He sent a message to this friend. “ Sorry I can’t accept your invitation because I had already promised my wife to die with her after 30 years of our marriage. Don’t disturb us! “ Oh My God, he sent the message without realizing that the word “dine “ was wrongly keyed in as “ die “

His friend went to the police station and made a report by showing the text message.

2018年2月22日 星期四








2018年2月19日 星期一

Transmitting a clear and correct message on cultures

Though Petronas and Domestic trade, cooperatives and consumerism ministry had issued an apology respectively on their mismatched and inappropriate greeting message on Chinese New Year, it would not end any possibility of recurrence of the similar incidents in future. The unintentional error will continue prevailing in the coming festive seasons as there exists some scapegoats of irresponsible and ignorant law makers.

Our country is multi racial society of different cultures and religions. Understanding and respecting cultures and religions among all Malaysians are the most important factors and linkages for racial harmony and economic stability. Sowing the seeds of basic understanding of different cultures and festive customs of multi races do not rest solely on schools or educational institutes, our elected law makers as well as politicians must shoulder the responsibilities too.

The responsibility of the law-makers is to transmit a correct and direct message and clear interpretation on one’s cultures and traditions without creating any misconceptions to other races. However, it is quite disheartening to note that in the recent political trend of today some lawmakers had resorted using festive greetings and pictures to mock and tease their political rivals. Greeting messages were filled with offensive and hateful quotes, seasonal pictures were doctored and festive songs were altered and edited with sarcastic phrases. When the actions of these irresponsible politicians were transmitted openly and publicly, they were misconstrued and misunderstood.

The so-called technical error and misunderstanding on seasonal greetings may not be due to the insensitivities on cultures and traditions but the proliferation of mocking and teasing message and act. To set it right and let other to follow, one must respect one’s culture first for other to follow suit.

2018年2月17日 星期六





2018年2月16日 星期五


大年初一早上,许多熟食摊格休业。为了吃早餐来到麦当劳快餐店。柜台服务员是一名女性马来同胞,轮到我接领食物时,该名服务员向我獻上祝贺语:“Gong Xi Fatt Choy “。但让我惊讶的是,我的热奶咖啡的泡沫中泡出了一个”福”字! 友族同胞对农历新年的关注和认知在新年喜庆中特别有意义。

同样的大年初一,国家石油企业因“红包”不以红色为重点而公开发表道歉声明。国企是否对农历新年和华人的传统文化缺乏认知或尊重,这可是值得我们思忖!还有国内贸易、合作社及消费部充满“创意”的“鸡充狗吠” 的令人费解的新春广告,它的“技术错误”的层次面到底带出了什么信息?


2018年2月12日 星期一

Vote or not to ?

It is just unbelievable that after going through 13 times of voting in General Election, the maturity of die-hard supporters of the opposition parties is still below the acceptable level of seniority. What is wrong to voice out openly to cast spoilt vote when the mood of dissatisfaction overshadowing confidence on the selection of candidate?

The passing of the budget 2018 in Parliament last November with the voting of 52 against 51 had brought out a clear message to all Malaysians that many of our law-makers had not carried out the entrusted duties and responsibilities of Malaysia voters. We have 222 members of law makers but only 105 attended and cast their votes with 2 abstained on the Budget 2018. Where were 117 elected members of Parliament? It was almost 52.7% or more than half of absentees .

Never have I heard any adverse comments on those law-makers who shrank their duties attending parliamentary sessions and meetings. If a law-maker can choose to avoid the parliamentary meetings and sessions and even refrain to vote by abstain, why not a man on street has right to cast spoilt vote and bring the message to others ?

Voting is an indirect transmission of confidence from the voter. However, if the candidates do not command the confidence of the voters, why should the voters betray themselves continue to vote? Spoilt vote will bring the message loud and clear. Please stop intimidating conscientious voters as casting spoilt vote is part and parcel of democratic process too!

2018年2月6日 星期二

Assembly point.

This is the sign informing the visitors that in case of emergency, please assemble here. The signage is put up in front the building of SOCSO or Pertubuhan Keselamatan Sosial ( PERKESO), near Burma Road, Penang

The assembly point is necessary during the emergency, as people in the affected building know where to gather and assemble instead of running aimlessly and helplessly. The assembly point is also the place during the emergency for updating briefing about the situation.

However, safety awareness is not clearly promoted and focused both by the local authorities and shopping malls in Penang as there has been non-existence of signage of assembly point. The situation is made worse with entrance of shopping malls turn into parking space and stalls.