2016年10月10日 星期一

Where Safety is being compromised.

Nowadays, in Penang especially the centre of city of George Town, the increase in the volume of traffic has made pedestrians more and more uncomfortable. With the pace of development in a scarce space in George Town enhanced, there is an obvious sign of safety being compromised. There has been daily work of widening of roads by narrowing the pedestrian walk to ease the congestion of vehicles on the road. Ridiculously, there is an inserting the so-called bicycle lane on the pedestrian walk. Many pedestrians wonder with vehicles compete for space on the roads to squeeze heading for their respective destinations, are their safety on the stake? Many tourists who are not familiar to our routes are being caught in bewilderment of traffic.

Additionally, empty places surrounding high buildings have been made ways for other business activities or parking. If there is an emergency such as fire or other incidents, where is the assembly point for the visitors or inhabitants of the effected buildings?

Planning for development is vital for economic growth but It cannot compromise with the safety of the public. Safety of all road users must be prioritized.

